Caeyn Maddox was a Human male who served briefly with the Jabiimi Loyalists and later became a commander in the Alliance Special Forces during the Galactic Civil War. With a strong hatred of the Empire from a young age, he was one of the Alliance's most skilled operatives and served on several key missions across the galaxy.
Early Life[]
Maddox was born on Jabiim in 26 BBY to Corellian settlers on the planet. Being from the Core Worlds, his father and mother supported the Jabiimi Loyalists and the Republic during the Battle of Jabiim in 21 BBY. The fighting during the battle was extreme, and Maddox's father was killed fighting Jabiimi Nationalists. Soon after, Republic forces retreated from the planet, angering many of the locals. Maddox's mother, however, still held a shred of faith in the Republic, which had all but dissipated with the execution of Order 66 and the founding of the Galactic Empire. The Jabiimi Loyalists continued to be active during this time, and, against the wishes of his mother, Maddox joined their ranks when he turned 16 in 10 BBY, hoping to fight the rebellion.
Galactic Civil War[]
Hearing stories and rumors of rebellions springing up around the galaxy, the young Maddox would often argue with his superiors, believing that they should be doing more to fight the Empire. Eventually, in 8 BBY, Maddox left the Loyalists and the planet, hoping to join a rebel cell somewhere else in the galaxy.
About a month after leaving Jabiim, he heard rumors of a rebel cell on the planet of Rhen Var, and quickly managed to meet with a recruiter for the cell, known as the Rhen Var Valkyries.
During his time in the Rebel SpecForce, he wore various uniforms, most commonly the standard tunic over light armor with a elongated white helmet. The helmet was a characteristic shared with rebel fleet troopers and members of Kota's Militia. He also often wore armor very similar to that used by Kota's Militia and planetary security forces. He used the A-280 blaster rifle and the DL-44 blaster pistol, and also carried a vibrosword.