Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

I am not sure about the two of you, but I like fascists better when they are inside a Rancor’s nest.

Cade Ematt was a Myran spy based on Nar Shaddaa and a former Sith apprentice who served Darth Revan's Sith Empire.

After he served as a soldier in the Mandalorian Wars, Cade was trained as a Sith apprentice but left Revan's Empire to become a renegade around the time of Revan's disappearance, and became an independent bounty hunter.

He was hired by the Ogawa Corporation to do spionage work on Nar Shaddaa, and eventually involde himself in a battle against a fascist organization that wished to exterminate the refugees on the planet.


Early life[]

Cade 2

Cade meditating in the woods of Baka.

Cade grew up as an orphan in Baka, the largest city on the planet Myr. It was located in the Outer Rim territories and served as a relevant trading post, in which large corporations operated far from the supervision of the Galactic Republic. He was adopted by a female Cathar who saw to his needs and provided education for a short period of time. She was eventually deported, and Cade was forced to live on the streets of Baka for a number of weeks.


Cade was taken by a cell of scouts from a Revanchist starship as a teenager for stealing food from their supplies. Revan accepted Cade into his army, where he received shelter and training. He was a combatant in the Mandalorian Wars, in which he accompanied the Jedi forces into battle. Suffering from PTSD after the violent events of the Mandalorian Wars, Cade finally perceived himself as a Force-sensitive individual and used the Force to supress traumatic memories of the war.

Sith deserter[]

After the conflict was over and Cade's leader Revan declared himself a Dark Lord of the Sith, his curiously pristine skill caused him to be taken as an apprentice by the early Sith Masters of Revan's Sith Empire. He was guided and taught in the Sith way. After Revan's mysterious disappearance, Cade decided to leave the Sith Empire that was now commanded by Malak and become a renegade.


  • Star Wars: Tales of Nar Shaddaa


  • Star Wars: Tales of Nar Shaddaa

See also[]
