CT-298, was a clone sergeant in the Grand Army of the Republic. He fought alongside Arwen Xalrich in Theta Squad in the Outer Rim during the Clone Wars. He wore ARC Trooper armor and carried a WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle. He met Aurea Hali in 19 ABY and told the young Jedi about her mother.
Early life[]
Hey you, grimy one, come over here.
—Jango Fett, calling CT-8492 "grimy"
During Grimes's creation, a mistake in the Kaminoan computer gave him the unaltered genetic makeup of an ARC Trooper. CT-8492, like all other clones, was raised on Kamino. Early in his training he met Jango Fett after a swamp simulation mission. Not bothering to call him by his designation, Jango instead called him the "grimy one", based on his dirty appearance. The name would stick to CT-8492, and his close brothers would call him "Grimes".
Clone Wars[]
Battle of Geonosis[]
During the Battle of Geonosis Grimes lead his squad Aurek against the legions of battle droids. After helping clear the arena, Grimes sent the rest of his squad to help another platoon . As the dropship took off, Grimes watched as it was struck by an anti-air round and exploded into a fireball. After witnessing the destruction of his entire squad, Grimes wandered the Geonosian Arena killing droids in a dismal fog. While wandering Grimes ran into CT-3107, the second in command of his squad. Apparently he hadn't gotten onto the dropship because he had his helmet damaged an was looking for a replacement.
Dropship rescue[]
During a battle, Grimes along with Arwen Xalrich were sent to rescue Theta Squad whose dropship had been shot down. Upon arriving Grimes helped destroy the first wave of battle droids. After the first wave was destroyed Grimes helped Theta Squad set up a defensive barrier out of the wreckage of the dropship. When the second wave hit Theta Squad was ready for it. Grimes helped destroy the third wave. After the forth wave the dropship arrived and picked up the whole squad. Unfortunately, "Ones", Theta Squad's Sargent, was killed during the battle, so Grimes was placed in Theta squad.
Wookiees vs Trandoshans[]
During a routine patrol Grimes came upon a group of Trandoshan slavers arguing with a group of Wookies. Using a protocol droid Grimes learned that the Wookiees were trying to explain to the slavers that they were not the group of Wookiees the Trandoshans were looking for. The leader grew tired of arguing and called forward a squad of battle droids forward to either capture or kill the Wookiees, along with the execution of Theta Squad. Grimes ordered Theta Squad to destroy the battle droids while the Wookiees killed the Trandoshans. The only survivor on the Trandoshan side was their leader.
Field Hospital Siege[]
Theta Squad was called to help evacuate an underground field hospital before Separatist forces arrived. While waiting for the last dropship to arrive, the Separatist scouting forces lead by Major Lucian Orca arrived. Lucian's scouting force attacked the Field hospital with 40 battle droids, 3 super battle droids, 1 Spelunker probe droid, 1 IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank.
A worthy opponent[]
During a scouting mission into a small town, Theta Squad discovered the whereabouts of S'barge, a CIS technician. In their attempt to capture him however, they were attacked by Li-Sun Jinn, his personal bodyguard, along with a squad of droids. After Engaging the enemy squad in combat, Grimes and Arwen began to fight Jinn. After a lengthy battle Jinn managed to slip away.
Order 66[]
Before Order 66 Grimes and Arwen were pursuing their nemesis Ni-Sun. Right before the activation of the order Ni-sun destroyed Grime's radio. When Order 66 was issued Grimes did not receive the order. When Grimes and Arwen returned to Theta Squad, they were ambushed by them. Grimes, thinking they were Separatists, fought back. He threw a grenade that killed "Scalpel" and opened fire on the lieutenant, blowing off his arm. The two then ran to a nearby Sheathipede-class transport shuttle and escaped. While in orbit Arwen received a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi that spoke of Order 66 and warned all Jedi to stay away from Coruscant. Grimes, wracked with guilt over betraying the Republic and attacking his brothers, decided to stay with his general and protect her, for he had no other purpose in life.
The Dark Times[]
Began, the Dark Times has[]
After learning that he had no where to go, Grimes sat in a funk, pondering on what do. Because of his upbringing on Kamino, he had no idea on what to do. the shuttle was then contacted by a passing ship asking if there were any survivors on the drifting vessel. Grimes let the strangers on board only to realize that they were pirates. After a short battle Grimes and Arwen killed the pirate crew and took their vessel, a Barloz-class freighter.
Welcome to Point Nadir[]
After defeating the pirates Grimes took the helm of their ship and activated the hyperdrive back to their last stop, the Shadowport of Point Nadir. Upon exiting hyperspace the two made their way inside the shadow port.
Personality and traits[]
During the Clone Wars Grimes was very friendly and laid back. After Order 66 Grimes became slightly cynic but still kept his upbeat persona. Even for a clone Grimes was very independent and was very protective of people under his command.
Weapons and gear[]
Grimes preferred a WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle although he, like all other clones was trained to be proficient with every weapon in the arsenal of the GAR. Grimes Wore a set of green arc trooper with a kama all throughout the clone wars. He preferred to keep the standard rank colors on his armor rather than to personalize it himself.