Star Wars Fanon

CT-53/53 2600, also known as Blitz, was the Captain of Red company who served under Jedi Knight Marsis Rand during The clone wars, He was a member of The Fox pack. He favored the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon as his primary weapon.


Blitz began life as every other clone did, he was born and trained from a young age. His training began before the beginning of The Clone wars. During his training with the other men of Red company, he became well known, because he would often scream at the droid before he engaged them. He would also defy orders and run ahead of his brothers to flank the droids.

Clone Wars[]


During the battle of Geonosis, Blitz and Red company along with CC-5353, fought against the droids, receiving very few casualties due to the strong leadership on the battlefield. During the battle, Blitz was shot in the arm once and twice in the leg, despite his injuries he managed to stay in the fight, he was later forced to leave the fighting by the company's medic Klix.


During the Battle on hoth, Blitz showed his skills off once again. After the 252nd Attack Battalion landed on the planet they were almost instantly ambushed by the droids. During the small skirmish Blitz was able to take out 20 B1 battle droids that had broken through the clone defenses and entered the encampment made by the clones.


Blitz was know to be loud on the battlefield. He often yelled at the enemy before engaging them. He was considered a loud mouth by his superiors. He was very cocky and never feared the enemy, no matter how big. He was known to face many challenges head on. He didn't plan much, he always rushed into battle.
