Star Wars Fanon

CT-53/53-2606 nicknamed, Tech, was a technician that served under Marsis Rand during the clone wars. He was a member of the Fox pack.

Early life[]

Tech shared the same background as all his brothers. Except while he was a cadet he took a unique interest in taking apart the service and cleaning droids that maintained the kaminoan cloning facilities. He earned his name because of this. Tech's superiors didn't like the Idea of so much personality in a clone, and thought that tech should be moved to maintenance, they claimed his was mentally "unstable" and a danger to his brothers. Though one superior thought that it made him different from his brothers and that one day his abilities would help a great deal. Tech proved himself one day, when a malfunctioning cleaner droid attacked a cadet. Tech was able to deactivate the droid, and diagnose the problem, as well as repair the droid so that it returned to its normal duties.
