Star Wars Fanon

CT-53/53-2604, also known as Klix, was the lead medic for the 252nd Attack Battalion. He was also a member of the Fox pack. Klix got his name due to the noise his medical supplies made while they bounced around in his pack.


Early Life[]

Klix was trained from a young age as a medic. He trained with the rest of the 252nd Attack Battalion. He was very quick on the battlefield, and was able to move quickly from one wounded brother to the other. He was one of the fastest clones in the battalion.


During the battle on Geonosis, Klix and his team of medics landed with one of the first battle groups to engage the enemy. Klix was leading a small squad ofsix medics, between those six clones a total of 43 men were saved, and taken to field hospitals far from the fighting. The battle group soon reached a large droid emplacement. Klix was able to set up a field hospital with supplies that had been air dropped to him, He tended to the wounded as the rest of the men attacked the droid emplacement. Klix risked his life several times in order to save his brothers. Unfortunately the battle group was wiped out. Most of the men were dead only a small amount were wounded. While klix was tending to the wounded the droid launched an attack into the small field hosiptal. Klix shot down 14 battle droids, before being wounded. His team of medics were killed trying to defend the hospital. Luckily, reinforcements arrived and helped get the wounded off world. Klix refused to leave despite his injuries.
