Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

CT-53/53-2601, nicknamed Pik, was a clone trooper who served under Jedi General Marsis Rand during the Clone Wars. He was also a member of the Fox pack.


Early life[]

CT-53/53-2601N was created in the cloning facilities on Kamino. He was very quiet as a child, and he rarely talked. His superiors thought that he was defective because he would not even speak to his allies; he often relied on hand signals in training. His superiors questioned him on this and his response was that it was more effective. When he did speak it was only a few words.


During the battle of Geonosis, Pik showed his skills with his hand signals, when he and other clones, were ordered by Marsis Rand to take out a droid bunker from behind. Pik was able to sneak up behind the bunker and destroy it. Had he yelled orders to his brothers he would have been killed by the 20+ super battle droids inside. During the fighting Pik was injured, he wouldn't tell the medics what was wrong, so he escaped being removed from the fight.

Behind the scenes[]

In the rough Copy of Star Wars Jedi General, Pik died on Dantooine, when the small hill the Fox pack is defending is overrun by commando droid. Pik pushed Marsis Rand onto the Gunship and took 6 shots to the chest in the process
