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Ordering my General's death was the last thing I wanted to do, although in order to keep this army clean of distractions, I will have to do what is necessary.
—Ave, regarding Order 66
CT-4019, nicknamed "Ave," was a clone trooper who held the rank of lieutenant in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Serving as an officer in the 41st Elite Corps, Ave would be commonly found across the galaxy with Jedi General Yoda on several war fronts. During the start of the war, Ave would spend his time as a docking officer in Citadel Station doing manual checks on ships that crossed the system. While on war fronts, Ave often found himself in situations such as front line assault and skirmishes.
When the war near it's end, Ave would participate in the Outer Rim Sieges in an effort to eliminate the Separatist Droid Army. Once Order 66 was conducted, Ave would have doubts on executing his Jedi General but Sal convinced him to execute the order. Baur Narr, the zabrak Jedi Knight that Ave was serving with at the time immediately sensed a disturbance in the force and proceeded to cut down Ave. Although Baur Narr was eventually killed on sight by his own men, he was still able to manage the death of several clone troopers including Ave.