Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

We can't hold out much longer, sir! Where's General Skywalker?"
He'll be here.

—Coric and Rex during their last stand at the Battle of Teth[src]

CS-4343, nicknamed Coric, was a Clone Sergeant who served in the 501st Legion's Torrent Company in the early months of the Clone Wars. Bred on Kamino, Coric was trained as a clone trooper medic and became a first aid specialist in the Grand Army of the Republic. Serving under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain CT-7567, nicknamed "Rex", he and Rex where best friends in the 501st Legion and fought together even in the Battle of Christophsis and employed his medical expertise to assist those among his comrades who had been wounded during the course of the battle. Coric also led a squad in the following Battle of Teth against the Confederacy of Independent Systems and, along with Rex was one of the six survivors out of the original Torrent Company when it was nearly eradicated by the Separatist Droid Army. A few months into the war, Coric joined Rex; Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano; and a batch of six new 501st troopers on a routine shakedown cruise aboard Republic Navy Captain Gilad Pellaeon's assault ship, Leveler. During that assignment, Coric helped to rescue Republic Intelligence Agent Hallena Devis, who had been captured during a Separatist-backed rebel uprising on the planet JanFathal. Although the operation was ultimately a success, three of the rookie troopers—Vere Hil and Incedied on the mission, later during the war he participated along with a fellow veteran from Teth, in the Battle of Orto Plutonia and at that point developed a huge crush on Senator Riyo Chuchi, who returned his feelings and also accepted being boyfriend and girlfriend, to Rex's surprise he was proud that his friend found a nice girlfriend to himself, he would sometimes help Chuchi on any missions necessary like the incident with the Trade Federation that blocked Pantora, and he traveled with Chuchi, Tano, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Samical Grantt, Colonel Jone Popmak, Commander Sep Helley, and Marine Sergeant's Henrick, and Ivans, to rescue Che Amanwe from Separatist Captivity secretly hiding aboard the ship and Coric disguised as a Warrant Officer in disguise so that nobody could attack him if he was in clone armor at the time that is,


Training and early career[]

The clone trooper was given the designation of CT-4343 and was bred on Kamino around the year 32 BBY from the bounty hunter Jango Fett on the planet Kamino for service in the Grand Army of the Republic. In addition to his standard training from the Kaminoan cloners, 4343 received training as a clone medic and first aid specialist, ensuring that he would be able to help his comrades when they where injured on the battlefield. He was trained as a Cadet in Kilo Squad and at which time he completed his training by 22 BBY, the first year of the Clone Wars, Coric had received a promotion to the rank of clone sergeant and was assigned to the Grand Army's famed 501st Legion, in which he served with the Torrent Company under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Clone Captain CT-7567, nicknamed "Rex," both of whim be became best friends with,

Service in the 501st Legion[]

First Batttle of Geonosis[]

As thousands of star systems and conglomerates incuding the Trade Federation, InterGalactic Banking Clan, Techno Union, Commerce Guild and the Corporate Alliance, had seceded and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems under the guidance of the former-Jedi Count Dooku as terrorist strikes hit the capital planet Coruscant. The Clone Army was sent out to help the 212 Jedi, led by Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor, Eeth Koth, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Even Piell, Luminara Unduli, and Ki-Adi-Mundi were sent to Geonosis by the Jedi High Council to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi who was captured by the Separatist and the Geonosians,

A Group of 501st Legion soldiers led by Captain Rex, and with the new troopers, Denal, Boomer, Kiderban, and Hatt where deployed aboard a Repbulic gunship to destroy a Lucrehulk-class Core Ship. which one of them was situated in a canyon hillside, however their LAAT gunship was shot down and however though it crashed killing all except Coric, Rex, Denal, Boomer, Kiderban, and Hatt as well, the rest of the troopers in the gunship where not so lucky, however they came under attack by Geonosian Soldiers and Coric and the rest of the team carried on to destroy the Core Ship in the canyon, Once inside, Rex's team split up, each of its members tasked in sabotaging and destroying various crucial systems: Denal, Boomer, Kiderban, and Hatt, came under heavy fire from a small number of droidekas, it was Rex, and Coric, who where able to rescue them without incident. Their primary objective, however was the capture of vital launch codes housed on the ship's bridge, On the bridge, Hatt came under heavy fire from numerous battle droids and stationary autoturrets, but still anaged to acquire the codes, unfortunately in the attack both Kiderban and Hatt where both killed, leaving just Coric, Rex, Denal, and Boomer to survive the attack as they both managed to retreat down a branching corridor, By that point in time the squad's efforts to sabotage the Core Ship had come to full fruition, with several primary systems overloading, With no time to make an escape back the way they had come, so Coric and the squad was extracted via LAAT/I gunship through a hole forcefully blown in the hull of the ship,

The Battle of Geonosis would be the first action for Coric and his brothers from 501st Legion would see, but the Clone Wars breaking out throughout the galaxy between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, it would not be the last, and with the losses of both Kiderban and Hatt where remembered being the first NCO Clone Sergeants to die in the battle, after the battle, Rex was given his own troop the Torrent Company, which was based out of the GAR clone barracks on the Republic capital world of Coruscant. He, his Captain and the rest of the men where placed under the overall command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker.

Battle of Christophsis[]

Seven weeks into war, Coric and the rest of the 501st was dispatched with a Republic battle group under the command of Skywalker and Kenobi to liberate the planet Christophsis aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer, after reaching the Christoph system, the Republic forces defeated Confederate Admiral Trench's naval blockade and established a base on the surface. both Skywalker and Kenobi then took a clone contingent led by Rex and Clone Commander Cody into the capital, Chaleydonia, more commonly known as Crystal City. Once there the Jedi and the clones prepared an ambush to offset the Confederacy's advantage in troop strength. They moved into a business complex with two north- and south-facing towers, from where they intended to intercept a Separatist droid battalion set to pass through the major plaza below. Coric with Skywalker and Rex's men where stationed in the north tower's forty-sixth level, while that of the south tower housed the detail led by Kenobi, Cody, and Clone Sergeant Slick.

As the Separatist battalion commanded by the T-series tactical droid TJ-55 marched through the business complex's plaza, the troop column unexpectedly split in half, The Republic's strategy was thus compromised when numerous B1 battle droid squads ambushed Kenobi's men in the south tower. After signaling clone trooper pilot Hawk for an evacuation, Skywalker, Rex and their men used their DC-15A blaster rifles' grappling hooks to rappel over to the south tower, however on the way their they lost two tropers, one of them including Bunty, but for Coric managed to avoid laser fire from the droid infantry below and manged to arrive to reinforce Kenobi and Cody, who were holding out against overwhelming numbers, Once Kenobi temporarily impeded the droids' advance by Force-pushing a blaster cannon at them, the combined clone detachment took a turbolift to the roof for their evacuation. TJ-55 pursued them to the roof with more droid troops, and Rex, Cody, and the clones provided cover fire for Skywalker and Kenobi to cut through the droids. Hawk's LAAT/I gunship soon arrived, but one of Rex's men, Tras was killed and shot by TJ-55, and Coric and his comrades escaped with TJ-55's cranial unit which trooper Gus had pilfered.

Back at the base at night, Coric went to the mess hall, but what he didn't actually know was that how the mission was compromised was their is a traitor in their midst working for the Separatists, He did of course sit next to Clone Trooper Del, and Lunn, in the mess hall that night but they asked Rex and Cody what they where looking for and of course Rex told them a clone traitor, but Coric replied that he had nothing to do with anything and that always Rex trusts the man and as his ally believes him, but however R2-D2 managed to find with a datapad, the interference to a computer terminal located in the barracks of Slick's platoon. Inferring that one of Slick's men was the spy, Rex and Cody did go to interrogate the platoon members despite protest from Slick, Though troopers, Jester, Punch, Sketch and Gus all passed interrogation with credible alibis, Trooper Chopper was forced to reveal tha the had broken war protocols by stealing battle droid fingers from the battlefield and stringing them into a necklace. While attempting to derail Chopper's trustworthiness, Slick inadvertently revealed his knowledge of the Jedi's mission-information he could have only obtained via the open comlink that Cody had found in the command center. When put o the spot, Slick was reveled to the traitor in their midst all along but Rex did call him and the rest of the troopers to prevent Slick from escaping but they found him and arrested the trooper and after the traitor Slick was arrested and placed into Republic custody, the battle would continue on,

It was not long before General Whorm Loathsom launched his first assault on the Republic forces, which became based out of Crystal City, After several days of battle, the Jedi and clones where able to beat back the Separatists, forcing them to retreat for the time being. Coric took his duty at the first-aid station and colonnaded doorway behind the Republic lines and close to the city's main boulevard. While their, Coric helped treat trooper Ged who had been wouned by a spray of jagged shrapnel fragments that had penetrated the gap in his plastoid clone armor between the back plate and the shoulder. Rex himself joined Coric and Ged at the first-aid station to have his head, and Coric joked with Rex about the latter's hairless and brightened head. Removing some of the bloodstained fragments of Ged's armor, Coric reported to Rex that they were running very low on bacta supplies, but that there were analgesics for the time being. Rex replied that the Republic cruiser Hunter had already dispatched for replenishment and would return soon.

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Coric signals Rex prior to another Separatist attack

At that moment, a series of explosions rocket the main street, Rex immediately departed to join Skywalker and Kenobi on the front lines, while Coric finished patching Ged up so that the trooper would be able to fight in the continuing battle. Once Coric had finished, he grabbed his medical field kit and moved with the front line. Joining Rex and Skywalker in infiltrating the Separatist battle droid lines, Coric and Ged ascended an energy sphere with their platoon and helped their two commanding officers ambush a trio of Separatist tri-droids advancing through the street below. The group eventually brought the three droids down, and the Separatist's advance eventually halted. However, Confederate General Whorm Loathsom them deployed a deflector shiled, advancing it just in front of his troops to counter an negate the Republic's heavy artillery.

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Coric attacks the droids

With Kenobi, Skywalker, and the latter's recently assigned Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, occupied elsewhere, However in one building with Coric's group he did give a signal to Rex from an outside building to warn of another attack run coming soon, however Coric and Rex led the remaining forces to defend the AV-7 Antivehicle Cannons before the droids and their tanks could destroy them. The battle increasingly grim as more and more 501st troopers begin to fall to the droids' fire.

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Coric warns Rex they are almost overrun

Coric stated to Rex that he was out of ideas other than drawing the Separatists in, however though he was with Rex and a group to draw out the Separatists but where pushed back to the buildings, Rex asked where General Kenobi might be but to that he didn't know, because they where pinned down and they had to retreat from an attack firepower, Coric told Rex that they couldn't simply hold them off for long but Rex told they had to that he didn't like to do so, Minutes later, however Skywalker and Tano succeeded in destroying the Confederacy's deflector shield generator, and Coric immediately noticed the receding shield. The Republic heavy cannons opened fire on the droids, annihilating the Separatist lines and halting their advance.

Admiral Wullf Yularen arrived at Christophsis with a fleet of Republic cruisers and reinforcements aboard, and a series of LAAT/i gunships were deployed. Rex and Coric were warned by a clone pilot of one of the two approaching gunships to stay clear of the craft's path as the pair of ships rained down fire on the Separatist tanks. With two men still alive somewhere close by on the battlefield, however, Rex and Coric picked their way through the rubble—despite the pilot's warning to stand clear of the area—to search for the survivors responding to the life signs transmitted by their armor-mounted monitors. One of the life signs stopped transmitting while the two clone officers attempted to move the rubble. Overall, the Republic was able to win a victory on Christophsis, capturing Loathsom and ending the Confederacy's occupation of the Outer Rim world.

Battle of Teth[]

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Rex and Coric almost ready

Following the successful campaign at Christophsis, Coric and the Torrent Company where assigned to an assault force led by Skywalker, Tano, and Rex to rescue the captured Rotta, son of Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, in order to win Jabba's favor to allow the Grand Army access to hyperlanes running through Hutt-controlled space. The Republic contingent traveled to the Wild Space planet of Teth, where Republic scouts had determined to be the location of an abandoned monastery wher Rotta was being held by the Confederacy, However though Coric and the rest of the men listened to Tano's stories about Anakin Skywalker how he survived when a wall with a hole in the middle saved him and how they got the shield down, Coric however understood the story and of course he was ordered to the LAAT/i gunship to the surface of Teth,

He was aboard the same gunship as was Skywalker, however on the hologram as Kenobi told about how they would land safely but they couldn't land on the monastery, so they landed in the forest, but however in the attack they made it to the cliffs and also began to use there grappling hooks in their blaster rifles he managed to climb them up to the top of the monastery, however Coric was among the men of Torrent Company who survived the assault, although half did not.

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Coric, with Skywalker, Tano, Rex, Ayar, Lunn, and Vaize,

After Torrent Company had beaten back the Separatist defenses and secured the monastery, Coric joined Skywalker, Tano, Rex, and troopers, Ayar, Lunn, and Vaize to search the monastery for Rotta. The group entered the stronghold's darkened antechamber, where the five clone troopers used their helmets' headlamps to see in the dim light. Rex eventually ordered his men to kill the lights unless they made contact. Continuing through the monastery, the clones encountered the droid 4A-7.

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Coric while they search the monastery

Five meters ahead of the others and the closest ones to their greeter, Coric and Lunn slammed the droid against the wall and put their blasters to his head of their potential enemy. 4A-7 introducing himself as the caretaker of the monastery and thanked the Jedi and clones for liberating himself from the battle droids. Skywalker inquired after the Huttlet's location, and 4A-7 directed him to the detention level, where the Separatists had kept their prisoners. Only then did Coric and Lunn release the droid on Rex's orders, although the clones continued to keep their eyes on the supposed "caretaker". As Skywalker and Tano departed to find Rotta and left Rex and the other clones to secure the exit, Coric flicked his helmet spot lamp back on and trained the light on 4A-7, watching as the droid went about his business.

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Coric reports to Rex that they was no more droids, next to Rex is Hez

Over the clones' private comlink frequency, Coric expressed to Rex his belief that they should be helping Skywalker, to which Rex replied that if the Jedi General returned with any broken bones, they would not be his. of course Coric told Rex that he reported no sign of anymore droids yet, and that also Skywalker contacted Rex with the news that he and his Padawan had found the Huttlet, Rex sent Coric down to assist the pair in retrieving him to avoid any accidents. At Skywalker's added request, Coric brought down a backpack to help carry the heavy Rotta. Upon arriving in Rotta's prison cell and catching wind of the Huttlet's distinctive, less-tan-pleasant aroma, Coric requested permission to speak freely and released a string of expletives and his desire to stow Rotta in the cargo bay. Coric handed the backpack over to Tano, who loaded Rotta on and strapped on the pac herself, Once Coric notified Skywalker that Rex had an LAAT/I gunship waiting on standby to transport them and the Huttlet away from Teth, the trio proceeded back outside with the Huttlet in tow. However on the walk back, Tano realized that Rotta was gravely ill and required medical attention if he was to return to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine safe and sound.

The B'omarr Order Monastery soon came under attack by Separatist forces in the form of several C-9979 landing craft, which deployed squadrons of Vulture droid starfighters and an army of battle droids to retake the monastery. At Rex's order, Coric and fellow Sergeant Hez took their respective squads to provide covering fire in the building's courtyard alongside the Republic's only All Terrain Tactical Enforcer as the rest of the Republic forces retreated into the monastery. The AT-TE walker was destroyed by the approaching battle droids, and Coric and the few survivors made it back to the monastery under Skywalker's orders, but during the attack he witnessed the death of clone trooper Lunn and was gravely saddened afterwards but had to move on since they was no time to rescue him, and he managed to retreat back to the inside of the monastery before Skywalker shut the doors on the droids, sealing his battle group inside the monastery, Only three-quarters of Torrent Company had survived the Separatist' counterattack, with Coric among the three remaining medic-trained troopers. At a single gesture from Rex, all of the clones hastened to prepare defenses inside the monastery against the battle droids, which would inevitably find a way to entre the stronghold. Eventually, Skywalker, Tano, and the astromech droid R2-D2 left with Rottato find an alternate exit from the monastery and secure medical attention for the Huttlet. Not long after the Jedi departed, the battle droids succeeded in breaking through the entrance door's lock mechanism and launched their counterattack on the remainder of Torrent Company. Wave after wave of B1 and B2 battle droids and DSD1 dwarf spider droids stormed into the monastery's antechamber and blasted through the clones, unfortunately three troopers where killed and costing the lives of Sergeant Hez, and trooper Ged, as Ged was right next to Coric, he was very saddened of Ged's death that a brave soldier died and was unlucky, During the fighting, Coric was surprised by an approaching droid. Caught on a reload, he swung his blaster sideways like ! club and received assistance from Rex, who put a stream of bolts into the droid. By the time that the droids had been secured the monastery, only eight survivors of Torrent Company were left, with Rex and Coric among their number. When Rex contacted his remaining men over their private frequency and told them to report in if they still survived, Coric replied with the others and stated tha the had made it through with only a few bruises. As Rex told the six troopers to follow his lead and join him on escaping the monastery when the time came, Dark Acolyte and Separatist Supreme Commander Asajj Ventress found and interrogated the Captain on Skywalker's whereabouts. After Ventress threw Rex aside and departed to confront Skywalker and Tano, leaving her droids to guard the clones, Coric checked on Rex over their frequency to confirm that his commanding officer was still with them. Rex replied positively and shared a few jokes with Coric and the others about the names that Ventress called them. Continuing to maintain unmoving positions on the ground to avoid alerting the droids to their continued survival, both Rex and Coric attempted to find a clear comlink channel but were unable to receive any from their helmet' frequency. Presently, Skywalker contacted Rex over the latter's wrist comlink, and the message blared loud enough for the clones' battle droid guards to hear. Roused by the audio, the troopers prepared for the fight against the droids that would inevitable follow.

Following Rex's lead of tearing down the nearest droid, Coric and the other four clones sprang to their feet. Coric snatched the rifle from a battle droid as it tottered backwards and joined his comrades at the AT-TE walker, where they took cover from the battle droids. but in the attack CT-9932 was killed in the attack, and they took cover from the battle droids.

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Coric kicking the battle droid over

The clones kept their rapple lines primed in case they were given a chance to descend the cliff and escape to the dense jungle below. The clone troopers destroyed more and more droids and used the carcasses of their inert enemies to reinforce the burned-out AT-TE walker. however Rex managed to join up with Coric however thought Coric panicked and asked Rex where Skywalker was, and he told him he would be here soon, while trooper Zeer planted a series of explosives an eviscerated super battle droid to send back to its comrades, Coric and Del manned a repeating blaster that they had stolen from the Separatists. Zeer eventually finished his work and dispatched the trap droid, blasting through the battle droids. While the droids regrouped, he sang songs in tribute by stating "All got Shot" in the end joke.

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Coric with Rex

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The battle droids soon returned and converged on the remaining clone' position. Coric also managed to help take down a Vulture Droid and

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Rex and Coric soon to make their last stand,

also at the last moment and their last stand, Rex shouted "This is it. Scrap emm!" and together he and his friend Rex took cover behind the fallen Vulture Droid, back to back with Rex, Coric emptied clip after clip from a repeating blaster through a gap in the barrier into the sea of battle droids. eventually, General Kenobi arrived at the Teth monastery with reinforcements from the Grand Army's 212th Attack Battalion.

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Rex and Coric jump off the AT-TE

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Rex and Coric making their very last stand for the Republic

As Republic gunships approached the cliff-high castle with Kenobi, Clone Commander Cody and the 212th aboard, the battle droid commander told the remainder of Torrent Company to surrender. Rex stalled for time until the arrival of the Republic reinforcements, which promptly blasted the droids in the courtyard to scrap. With the 212th Battalion taking over and sweeping back the droids, the six survivors of Torrent Company met in the courtyard. Attie stated that Coric's holovid now had a different ending as they had all lived "happily ever after," but Del recalling on all of their fallen brothers, replied that most of them had not. The Republic was eventually able to win through in the campaign at Teth, but although the Torrent Company was soon to replenish with new troopers, the losses of the original unit will never be forgotten, and of the six survivors include both Coric, Rex, Attie, Zeer, Del and Nax, and as for both Hez, Ged, Ayar, Lunn, Vaize, Ridge, CT-9932 and the others will be remembered for their sacrifice.
