CC-2115, also known as Kodo, was a clone marshal commander and leader of the 201st Legion. He was well known for being first-in-command of the clone troopers at the Battle of Alder.
He was born on Kamino like all other clone troopers, and he grew fast through genetic manipulation like all other clones.
He was trained by Jango Fett and learned many abilities of combat, such as weapon use, grenade use, covering, sniping, target practice, and stealth. He was then trained alone and learned different war strategies and combat tactics. This was how he was so successful later at being a clone marshal commander. Later, around 22 BBY, he was sent into combat for the first time as a clone captain at Geonosis.
Battle of Geonosis[]
He lead a small elite team of clone commandos towards the Separatist leaders where Count Dooku was. He was hoping he and his team could capture the leaders and end the war sooner. Unfortunately, his entire platoon was beat down, and only he survived. He then retreated back to the clone operations base. While retreating, he was able to get on a STAAP and destroy a DSD1 dwarf spider droid, by throwing a grenade into the controls. After getting to a safe location, he got aboard a LAAT gunship and destroyed several Hailfire-class droid tanks. After the battle he was complimented by the Jedi Order.
Battle of Mon Calamari[]
He was sent to Mon Calamari to aid the clone SCUBA troopers. He was given SCUBA armor and fought many droids of the Quarren. It was after this battle that he became a clone marshal commander and lead his own campaigns.
Battle of Jabiim[]
He was present at the Battle of Jabiim. Little was known of what he did, except for the fact he led some 300 clone troopers against the CIS.
He was similar in appearance to Commander Bacara. His clone armor was specifically made for his missions, as he was usually sent to ice planets. His weapon was a DC-15A blaster rifle and his secondary weapon was a DC-15S blaster carbine.