Star Wars Fanon

Ben Sunrunner, formerly known as CC-1163, was a Clone Trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic and in the Stormtrooper Corps, before deserting in 4 BBY. After evading searches for some time, Ben became a bounty hunter affiliated with a group of other hunters known as the Bounty Hunter HQ. It was at this time he took the surname Sunrunner, however still keeping his nickname Ben. After enjoying moderate success, Sunrunner began forming a paramilitary unit for hire, recruiting various mercenaries willing to serve under his command. Sunrunner's unit was for hire by either side of the Galactic Civil War, but was for the most part hired by third parties such as criminal organizations. Eventually Sunrunner and his military would be recruited by an old friend, Jang Mong, to serve in the newly formed Mandalorian Coalition. Sunrunner and his men would then be absorbed into the Mandalorian Coalition member The Crimson Leviathans.
