Star Wars Fanon
I thought he was our friend. But in the end, it only took him a second to turn his back on us. Just to follow some stupid order!
Arc referring to Brody, after the latter killed Seven.

CT-25-1114, later redesignated CC-1114, nicknamed Brody was a veteran clone trooper commander who served in the Great Clone Forces during the Second Clone Wars. A highly skilled trooper, he was one of the earliest members of the First Division who first saw their action in the battle of Arcoha. Brody was part of the Old Breed, and through this he became the closest friend to fellow trooper Seven.


Back in his cadet days, Brody aimed to become a most respected trooper, an ambition he eventualy achieved with almost total ease. Just after his first action on Arcoha, he was promoted to a commander, beginning his journey on a path to his success.

During the dawn of the exclusive Order 51, Commander Brody was, like many other clones, affected. Upon receiving the command, he immediately killed his comrade Seven with a single shot. He also tried to shoot Arc but the latter acted first and killed Brody.


Brody was an aggressive and strict clone trooper, much less a slacker. Patriotic and determined, he was one of the bravest in the army. Brody obeyed orders without question even though he was free of the alteration of total loyalty towards the Republic, as evident when he immediately killed Seven upon receiving Order 51.

Physical descriptions[]

Brody had black hair, fair skin, and dark brown eyes. He kept his beard clean-shaven. Brody also had a lot of battle scars he received throughout his duty; such as the scratch across his right cheek. His left ring finger had also been cut off half.
