Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Would it be to much to ask for Order 66 to have come through before I gave back the Jedi his bloody lightsaber?
—Fox after Order 66[src]

CC-1010, nicknamed "Fox", was a senior clone trooper commander that served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He was part of the Coruscant Guard and knew the streets in the Coruscant's Underlevels the best, so he had easily captured many criminals. He also received own starfighter, called Hunter Killer. Soon, CC-3636 joined, and they became good friends, although CC-3636 had to stay and guard at the Senate Building. Fox was disappointed when CC-3636 was killed in the Battle of Coruscant. Fox continued to serve the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. During the war, Fox kept his clone trooper armor and was shocked that the Galactic Empire lost the Battle of Endor. His accelerated aging was stopped by the Empire after he saved the Emperor's life, in fact his life was extended by far. He then served the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance, and the New Jedi Order, still wearing his clone trooper armor. He later got married to a woman named Theeda Marson.


Clone Wars[]

Clone Commander[]

When will you fools learn? No one escapes Commander Fox
—Fox, after apprehending another criminal

Fox in his Phase I armor

Clone Commander 1010 earned nickname "Fox" during his training, Like all Clone troopers, Fox was born in Kamino as a Clone trooper to serve the Grand Army of the Republic in the Galactic Republic. As the Clone Wars began, Fox was assigned to led the Coruscant Guard an elite clone trooper unit assigned to serve as peace-keepers on the Galactic Republic capital of Coruscant. Fox carried two DC-17 hand blasters in holsters on the sides of his kama and a DC-15A blaster rifle and also a DC-15S blaster. He wore the distinctive crimson color of the Coruscant Guard on his armor and a variation of the Galactic Senate Emblem. Fox wore a visor and antennas mostly like Clone Commander CC-2224, nicknamed "Cody".

Arrest of Ziro the Hutt[]

Should we arrest the Hutt, Senator?
—Fox, to Senator Amidala, after apprehending Ziro
Raid on Brotherhood Base

Fox led his Coruscant Guard during the raid on Ziro's palace on Coruscant

Around 22 BBY, As Ziro Desilijic Tiure captured Senator Padmé Amidala in his Ziro's Palace. Her Protocol droid C-3PO called Fox for help and later Fox accompanied C-3P0 to Ziro's palace with his squad of Coruscant Guard troopers. As Ziro prepared to execute Amidala, Fox's rescue team blasted their way into the palace, destroying the B1 battle droids guarding the entrance in the process. In the ensuing commotion, Amidala freed herself and destroyed the IG-86 droid guarding her with an appropriated E-5 blaster rifle. After the near-miss of a blaster bolt, Ziro slithered off his dais, making for the exit. Taking cover from return fire, Fox and his troops made quick work of the remaining security droids. After eliminating battle droids, Fox and Amidala arrested Ziro the Hutt and taken him to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center.

At some point during the Clone Wars, Count Dooku put a hefty live bounty on all of the senators of the Galactic Senate. Because almost all of the senators resided on Coruscant, it fell under the jurisdiction of Fox and his men to protect them. One such incident occurred when Fox learned from his spies that a Trandoshan was planning to kidnap senator Shayla Paige-Tarkin. Fox found the hunter but had been ordered to keep him alive. The Trandoshan took off upon seeing Fox, but the Commander knew the streets of Coruscant better than most. He contacted his fellow guards and quickly cornered the bounty hunter. With no where else to go, the Trandoshan blasted his way to the roof of a nearby building with a jetpack. Still intent on capturing the Trandoshan, Fox used his grappling hook to climb up the side of that same building. On the roof, Fox's advances were met with more hostile fire, but was able to shoot the blaster out of the would-be kidnapper's hand and talked him into surrendering.

Commanding the Coruscant Guard[]

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute! Power generators are that way. Heh, stupid droids.
—Fox is deceived by disguised Separatist demolition droids

Commander Fox is fooled by a fake work order by Separatist demolition droids

Around 22 BBY, a group of Bounty hunters led by Cad Bane infiltrated the Republic Executive Building and taken Senators hostage to force Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to free Ziro the Hutt from the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. As the bounty hunters escaping, Fox led a squad of Shock troopers confronting Bane and his team. Palpatine contacted Bane and ordered him to surrender, but the bounty hunter revealed the still-trapped senators, and in order to keep them safe, Palpatine reluctantly relinquished his attempts to apprehend Bane. Fox ordered his clone forces to stand down, allowing Bane and his team to leave.

In 21 BBY, Fox went to Juma 9 with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Threepwood to free the station from the Separatists battle droids, in which he played a crucial role in. Fox was later on duty in the lower levels of Coruscant, checking I.D. when he ran into a group of cleaning droids who, unknown to him, were really demolition droids sent to attack the planet by General Grievous. The falsified work order was authentic enough to fool the commander, who let the droids pass and even pointed the droid impostors in the direction of the power generators when they were going the wrong way.

Later in 21 BBY, Fox oversaw security at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center when Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, brought in the Bounty hunter Rako Hardeen, who had been arrested after allegedly killing Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Fox, Typhuss and his fellow clone trooper brought Hardeen into the prison, unaware that it was actually Kenobi, who was deep undercover to infiltrate a plot to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Defense of Kamino[]


Fox on Kamino during the battle

When a transmission of Dark Acolyte Assajj Ventress and General Grievous plotting to attack Kamino, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi went in with the 501st Legion to help CC-1010 and CC-2009 and several Advanced Recon Commandos to defend the planet. When the CIS navy attacked, the cyborg sent his ships into suicide attacks. The debris sent flying into Kamino's waters was actually Trident dills, and they soon surfaced and attacked. The Aqua droids were sent in to attack the clone defenders. Alpha 821 and Alpha 822 and a contingent of Clone heavy troopers tried to defend the clone barracks, but there were to many droids, and were forced to retreat to the hangar. On the way there, the droids got ambushed when they passed the barracks by CC-2187 and CC-1010, along with several others. Only Fox and Colt survived, but the droids were slowed down. Fox and Colt ran to the cloning chambers to protect them the CIS's trident drills. After destroying several of them, aqua droids were deployed and the clones had to face off with them. After a long battle, the clones prevailed.

Hunt for Ahsoka Tano[]

Can't say I blame you, Commander Tano, but all the same, you're under arrest."
I—n-no. I did not do this.

—Fox and Ahsoka Tano, after Letta Turmond was killed while Tano was in her cell

Fox places Ahsoka Tano under arrest

Fox was later put in charge of the security of a large military complex where, many prisoners including Confederate leaders were being held. Letta Turmond, who had arranged an explosion in the Jedi Temple, requested to see Ahsoka Tano. Soon after the two were left alone in the cell, a shock trooper alerted Fox to the alarming footage on the security cameras; it appeared as though Tano was choking the prisoner, however, it was Barriss Offee, who force-chocked Turmond. Quickly Fox and two other troopers rushed into the cell, only to find Tano, apparently distraught, bending over Turmond's dead body. Fox commented that he didn't blame Ahsoka for wanting revenge on a traitor, but all the same he had to put her under arrest.

Soon after, Anakin Skywalker, Tano's master, requested to see her. Fox had orders from Admiral Tarkin that nobody was allowed to see her, however, and had two shock troopers activate electrostaffs, threatening to enforce the Admiral's orders with force, before Skywalker would leave. The following day, Tano escaped from prison and had apparently slain at least three clones in order to do so. Fox told his men to shoot to kill, a command that was immediately belayed by General Skywalker, who insisted they capture her alive. After a lengthy chase around the complex, Tano escaped into the large pipe system leading to the Coruscant Underworld. Fox and his men quickly gave pursuit, but arrived too late to keep the Padawan from jumping onto a passing ship and escaping.

Hunting the Fugitive Clone[]

Fox was later tasked with hunting down rogue clone ARC-5555 "Fives" after the latter had discovered a massive conspiracy in the Republic government and had been subsequently framed and vilified.

When one of his probes spotted Fives heading into a warehouse, Fox took a squad of shock troopers and headed there. He managed to sneak in undetected, whereupon he found Fives agitatedly trying to convince a trapped General Skywalker, Commander Typhuss and Captain Rex of the enormity of the conspiracy. Fox and his squad rushed the rogue clone, who prepared to fire on them in his desperation. Without hesitating, Fox fired one accurate, lethal shot into Fives's chest.

Later war[]

Fox knew the streets of the Coruscant Underlevels like the back of his palm. Catching criminals was like shooting fish in a barrel. Fox always insisted to protect the immigrants from other planets in the Underlevels from gangsters and to send troops down there, but the Supreme Chancellor denied. The Coruscant Security Force always blamed the Coruscant Guard if any of the criminals that the CSF were going after got away, and sense Fox was the commander of the CG, the blame was on him. That was not true. In fact, no criminal that the CG was after got away.

Final campaigns[]


Fox in phase II armor

After sixteen months into the Clone Wars, CC-3636 came and they were good friends. They captured many criminals, but later he was transferred to the Jedi Temple.The Battle of Coruscant soon erupted, and the Fox was disappointed to see the craters left from the battle. Fox was also disappointed after the Battle of Coruscant, when CC-3636 died. After the Battle of Coruscant, there was no CIS activity on the planet and not as much criminals. Except when a highly skilled and very dangerous criminal got into the CSF HQ, the CG along with some Jedi went in and hunted him down, and during the battle, the Jedi lost his lightsaber, and Fox found it and gave it back.

Order 66[]

I never knew these little kids were so…so…evil!
—Fox, upon killing some escaped younglings

Later, Fox got Order 66, and shot the Jedi with him. The CSF officers were surprised. They started blasting the clone troopers and Fox, but in the end they were killed. The CSF stopped trying to kill them after the Emperor announced what happened, although many officers in the CSF didn't believe it, they carried out the orders of killing the Jedi who escaped the Temple.

Galactic Civil War[]

Fox was stationed on Coruscant still after Operation: Knightfall. He and his troops kept their armor and were more like clones than stormtroopers, which gave the citizens a feeling that not all of the government was evil. Soon, the Death Star was destroyed. Fox was shocked when he saw a picture of the Death Star on a holoscreen.

Brotherhood Battle[]

Raid on Brotherhood Base

Raid on the Brotherhood of Loyalists Ando Outpost

He later tracked two 52nd Star Corps troopers to Ando Prime, where he and some commandos fought off the Brotherhood of Loyalists. The clones and commandos used gunships to get there. Shortly after they won, Rebel ships shot them down over an unknown planet.

Later War[]

Later, when the Rebel Base on Hoth was discovered, Fox had a choice to go and help defeat the Rebels there, but he denied. Coruscant had allot of more criminals than usual, and one of them managed to shoot Fox's arm, although the wound soon healed and he didn't need any cybernetics.

The Black Sun was on the planet, and the leader was suspicious on why so many of his troops were getting caught. Soon, a CSF detective found the palace and Fox and his troops attacked, slaughtering every criminal inside the building.

Shortly before the Battle of Endor, a celebration party on Coruscant, hosted by the Emperor, was infiltrated and food was poisoned. Before the Emperor took a bite, Fox snatched out of his hand. Scientists ran checks on it and found out it was poison. The Emperor got rid of Fox's and his troop's accelerated aging, making them live longer.

The battle of Endor started, and Fox watched the HoloNet News to hear what is happening on every break. Soon, the Empire lost and people over the galaxy were celebrating. Fox and the CG tried to calm every one down, but when that didn't work, and a trooper was thrown of a platform, they got out the stun rifles.

New Republic[]

Republic, Empire, New Republic. Can they just pick something and stick with it? Is that to much to ask?
—Fox, when removing an Imperial emblem off of the CG's 200 story HQ

After the fall of the Emperor in orbit above Endor, the New Republic attacked Coruscant. Fox and his men fought the New Republic and killed many of them, but as parts of the planet fell to the New Republic, and more citizens were killed, Fox and the clones surrendered.

They were interrogated and later, Fox and the Coruscant Guard, and the CSF (Who were helping the New Republic when they first landed), became part of the New Republic and stayed and protected Coruscant.

News was spreading of Fox and the Coruscant Guard, who lived through the Clone Wars, and Galactic Civil War. Many people admired the CG, more than the CSF, who was working even longer than the CG. Fox and his troops met many New Republic politicians and protected them, including Mon Mothma and Leia Organa.

Yuuzhan Vong invasion[]

These goth aliens just tore off the New Republic emblem that took for ever to put up! I had enough of this
—Fox during the Yuuzhan Vong's attack on Coruscant

The Yuuzhan Vong attacked Coruscant when they least expected it. A huge battle erupted, and many CG and CSF troops were killed. Fox, getting angry at the Vong for killing so many troops and innocent civilians, attacked a Yuuzhan convoy with his best troops, and told the rest to get on the transports with everyone else and retreat.

When they attacked the convoy, they attacked the back, and several buildings were first blown up so the back was blacked from the rest of the convoy. Yuuzhan Vong warriors there were easily taken out, and all of the vehicles, equipment, food, armor, and other items were destroyed. Two hundred Vong warriors were killed, and Fox didn't lose any clones.

They got over the ruined building, and attacked the front. Twenty out of the thirty-five men that were with Fox were killed, and Fox himself was shot in the left arm. Soon, the convoy was down and the Yuuzhan Vong didn't have any more ammo, food, vehicles, armor, and equipment to support them selves when the New Republic, allied with the Imperial Remnant and the Catpire, who the Yuuzhan never seen or heard of before, attacked.

The Yuuzhan Vong turned to face the new threat. The fighting was intense. Even civilians armed with broken bottles and small pistols joined the fight. The Yuuzhan Vong underestimated them, and soon lost.

Galactic Alliance and beyond[]

Shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong was driven out of the galaxy, the Galactic Alliance overthrew the New Republic, and the CG was forced to serve the Galactic Alliance along with the CSF. By this time, many CSF officers were good friends with the clone troopers of the Coruscant Guard.

The Galactic Alliance ordered the CG and CSF to kill any civilians opposing them. CG and CSF slaughtered many citizens. After the New Republic and Jedi Order returned, the CG and CSF worked with several Jedi Masters, Knights, and Padawans protect the planet.

Confederation of Free Planets[]

Another Jedi Rebellion? You can never trust a Jedi
—Fox, upon receiving Order 66 a second time

During the days of the Confederation of Free Planets, Fox, like every clone trooper commander that was alive by then, and other CFP commander, worked under a Jedi General. Fox worked under Ozzik Ozzel, a veteran from the Clone Wars. Later, he was sent to many planets with CC-2009, and eventually received Order 66 again, and killed the Jedi on Coruscant and many other planets.

Last Stand on Ryloth[]

In 15 ABY, after landing on Ryloth, Fox and the others found the base. After killing the guards, they freed Leeta and Tarna, who was weakened by a shot in her arm, and several other Twi'leks and stormtroopers. Typhuss and Fox stayed behind to destroy the reactor core. They were able to destroy the reactor core and were killed.

Personality and traits[]

Sorry sir, but the Admiral's order stands.
—Fox to Anakin Skywalker

Commander Fox in Phase II armor

As a Commander of the Coruscant Guard, Fox led the clone shock troopers guarding the Republic capital. Like every other clone trooper in the Guard, Fox was bound by honor and duty to protect and serve the Supreme Chancellor and the members of the Galactic Senate. His loyalty to the Jedi was less, and he would not hesitate to carry out an assigned task regardless of what they thought. As such, he was also quick to accept whatever his superiors told him without a second thought, as demonstrated when he was prepared to kill Ahsoka Tano and did kill Fives, both of whom were actually innocent of the crimes they were being hunted for.

Utterly fearless, Fox was always the first to lead the charge into battle, even in the most perilous combat situations. His exemplary performance has made him one of the most highly decorated soldiers in the Republic army.


Fox's Phase I armor featured crimson markings and his chest featured a variation of the Galactic Senate emblem. Fox's helmet was similar to Commander CC-2224, though it sported a dark red color. Known to wear a kama with two blaster holsters, Fox also carried and used a DC-15A blaster rifle, DC-15S blaster, DC-17 hand blasters and a grappling hook. He later made the jump to Phase II armor alongside his unit. His Phase II armor was very different from the other shock troopers. It was mostly red with scarce areas of white. He wore a visor much like Commander Cody's and sported a flashlight and antennae on his helmet.

