Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

CC-080, later known as Commander Ayre 080, was a clone bred by the Kaminoans as a soldier for the Republic.


Early life[]

Commander Ayre was bred as a clone commander for the Grand Army of the Republic. However, he was not made to except any order without question and if there was ever corruption in the Republic, he was to leave. He was not the only one, other clones had this programming too, but they were spread throughout the army to avoid suspicion.

In the Grand Army of the Republic[]

In 21 BBY Ayre was assigned to the Galactic Marines. Ayre and his squadron worked very closely with Clone Marshal Commander Bacara. Together they nearly liberated Mygeeto, a key strong-hold for the InterGalactic Banking Clan during the Clone Wars.

However, just as peace was going to be restored, Ayre was contacted by Chancellor Palpatine and gave him Order 66, which he learned that he could disobey the command he realized what he was. He told the Chancellor that Bacara would do it, as he and his men were nowhere near General Mundi. He then gathered his squadron and enough ships to carry them and flew away to the outer rim.

The Outer Rim Squadron[]

After leaving the corrupt Empire Ayre formed up a small group of troopers called the Outer Rim Squadron who intercepted bands of imperial troops and killed them. However, they did not want to take the weapons, ships and armor because they felt it would be traitorous to the republic.

After a few years, Ayre and the squadron came across a much larger group lead by a Clone Commander that had the gene as well. Therefore, they joined forces and called themselves the Outer Rim Legion.

The Outer Rim Legion[]

The Legion was formed after an alliance between Outer Rim Squadron and another resistance group and was lead by Commander Ayre. Soon after its formation, Ayre created new Kamaki Armor based on Bacara's Kama suit to symbolize the change from the Squadron to the Legion.

They did similar things to the squadron but in a lot more organized way and ambushing much larger group of imperial troops, with the largest being a whole Star Destroyer which they sent on a collision course with another ship with the crew still inside.

They made a massive impact on the Empires presents in the Outer Rim territories which, in turn gave the rebels a better chance when fighting the Empire.

When the Empire collapsed, Commander Ayre 080 told everyone that they could leave and gave them a share in all the loot they had collected over the years.

The end[]

After the legion dispersed, Ayre settled down as a chef on Mygeeto, the planet he had fought on so many years ago and later traveled to Manaan, where he died in his sleep. He finally died at the age of 68 due to the growth acceleration.
