Star Wars Fanon

Sometimes, I put too much faith in that droid, but I know he'll always come through for me.
—Jack Tresherslider

C9-K3 often referred to as Ceenine was an Astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton with masculine programming. A smart and loyal droid, he became the personal Astromech droid of Jack Tresherslider.


Clone Wars

The Queen's Assassin

C9 was present his master got reassigned to Naboo. As they were about leave, the Republic fleet was attacked. The members of the brigade had to buy time for C9 to plug in the coordinates for the hyperspace jump. Once on the planet, C9 was tasked with maintaining the Spectre.

Agamar Rescue

C9 was co-piloting the Spectre alongside Maxson at the Battle of Agamar.

Galactic Civil War

At some point C9 flew in a y-wing for the Rebel Alliance.


Notes and References
