Star Wars Fanon


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This swamp world will be my haven, the place of my resurrection, the salvation of the Sith.

Butar was a swamp world in the Outer Rim and housed a dark side Temple belonging to XoXaan, one of the earliest dark Jedi. Her spirit guarded XoXaan's Glove, an ancient artifact of terrible power. Jedi Gangru Morpir stole the artifact from the temple and was corrupted by it and later gave it to the Sith Lord Darth Sharka. Later Sharka would return to the planet with his glove where he gathered an army of Massassi warriors to defend the Temple. However, following the arrival of Jedi Masters Dooku and Djinn Altis as well as Jedi Knight Deva Padj, the Temple was destroyed and Sharka and many of the Massassi killed.
