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Buh-roko was an Abyssin born on Nar Shaddaa in 80 BBY. He was a slave to Oruba the Hutt and then a mercenary until he purchased a scrap yard on Alee and started a salvage and repair company called Buh-roko's Big Backyard.
Slave and Soldier[]
From early childhood, Buh-roko was a slave, just like his parents before him. Serving Oruba the Hutt, he often labored aboard the Hutt's personal starships. During his teen years, though, he was conscripted to work on an addition to Oruba's palace on Cessopyre, a planet on the edge of the Yminis sector. Once the addition was completed in 64 BBY, Buh-roko was offered his freedom in exchange for fighting in Oruba's private army on Ulrooine. He agreed to do so and was given a blaster rifle and helmet and placed aboard a GR-30 medium transport.
As they flew toward their destination, they were briefed that their objective was to kill an old Hutt named Ubukko and scatter her forces because she was guilty of selling clan secrets numerous factions such as the Bothans, the Republic, and the Muuns. As the ships attacked, they encountered heavy resistance and many transports were shot down before they could offload their troops. The transport Buh-roko was riding in was among those shot down and while it crash-landed the Abyssin and his seat were thrown out into the forest. He awoke to the sound of battle and stumbled toward the burning wreck. Discovering that Oruba's forces were battling Ubukko's, he joined the battle and fought until help arrived.
Until 62 BBY, the war was one of attrition and neither Hutt seemed to be in too much of a hurry to call on their allies since that would result in the other doing the same. But then, Buh-roko and his squad fought a group of Bothans. Rumors began to spread around of battles taking place against Wookiees, Trade Federation forces, Bothans, Antarian Rangers and even the Jedi. Then allies of Oruba began sending soldiers. It was finally learned by the soldiers that Ubukko had begged her allies and the Republic for help and a team of Jedi had been sent to negotiate an end to the conflict.
Buh-roko and his squad were among thousands of mercenaries ordered to attack the city of Brysia. They won the battle and then Oruba's humanocentric general, Cookriz Chaine, ordered the massacre of approximately fifty Wylixian civilians. Buh-roko avoided participation in the slaughter by volunteering his squad to participate in the invasion of the city of Perlysiau. During the battle, he and his squad were part of an attack on the Fraunly building, which contained the entrance to Ubukko's secret underground research facility. Once they eliminated the organic guards in the Fraunly building, they entered the underground labs. Inside, they fought automated security and battle droids for several hours until they were victorious.
The scientists were taken into custody and a few of Oruba's top subordinates went through the labs first, taking a small percentage of the projects and making copies of the data. Then four Jedi, Master Tor Difusal, Master Tyvokka, and two Knights, Sifo-Dyas and the Sneevel Nolins Boole, entered the room escorted by Oruba's Ditoggu vizier, Nalinto Broot. After the Jedi left, Buh-roko and the other soldiers had to defend Perlysiau against a massive counterattack. They were pushed back and soon Buh-roko found himself and a few other soldiers defending the Fraunly building against hundreds of soldiers. When it seemed they were about to be overrun, the fighting came to a halt. Hours later, they learned that an agreement had been reached between the two Hutts and that they would be leaving Ulrooine.
Returning to Cessopyre, Buh-roko learned that he and the other slaves Oruba had promised freedom in return for fighting in his army were now emancipated. With little idea of how to survive on his own, Buh-roko joined human mercenary Garren Akommu's company, the Akommu Brotherhood. Surviving the initiation rituals, during which he battled another hopeful to the death, an Aqualish named Beex Bolp, he was formally accepted into the band.
The mercenaries were hired to destroy several pirates in the Jemptin system. During the trip aboard the company’s cruiser, Buh-roko and several other new recruits spent hours in the simulations to learn how to use a starfighter and to be a gunner on a larger ship. Buh-roko qualified to use the one available fighter and the other new mercenaries remained gunners aboard the cruiser. During the battle, he destroyed eight enemy fighters and an illegally modified freighter. Then he flew into the pirate carrier’s hanger to support the mercenaries battling in there, helping turn the tide of the fight. His actions gained him the respect of the entire company.
A corrupt politician in the Dohlbani sector hired the mercenaries next, this time to put an end to an insurrection of farmers on his world, Swurjan I. Then they traveled to the nearby planet of Trimlost to help the government fight an uprising of the indigenous Bogo'bogh who were enraged at the travel restrictions and labor being assigned to them. After the Bogo'bogh insurrection was quelled, it seemed that there were no conflicts in the region requiring large mercenary companies like the Akommu Brotherhood. This was nothing new to Garren Akommu and the Brotherhood so the company temporarily divided into smaller groups, some acting as security for a particular interest, others to function in small-scale operations, and stills others to rest and visit home and family.
Buh-roko and three other soldiers were sent to help defend a shipping convoy that was trading along the way from Skye to Bespin, Svivren, Socorro, Arkanis, Gamorr, Hollastin, and, finally, to Nar Shaddaa. And they would cross several regions of space infested by pirates to reach the various destinations. Due to the size of the convoy and the amount of security, no pirates attempted to capture any of the ships, although a few foolhardy pirates did strafe the convoy for fun in five different systems. Buh-roko distinguished himself by shooting down a total of thirteen enemies by the end of the five skirmishes, including five kills in a single engagement.
Back to Ulrooine[]
Oruba the Hutt re-invaded Ulrooine in 61 BBY and the Akommu Brotherhood reunited and joined the battle on Oruba's side after the fighting had gone on for several months. Ubukko had rebuilt her research labs, this time on Ulrooine’s heavily fortified moon of Al'Nasrooine. The Akommu Brotherhood agreed to capture the moon, even though many of their members had not yet finished their other assignments around the galaxy. Buh-roko arrived only hours before the scheduled assault on Al'Nasrooine and Garren Akommu assigned him to lead the starfighter assault on the moon, meaning he had to break through Ubukko's fleet and take on numerous antiaircraft defenses. He did both jobs valiantly, with only six of the forty starfighters under his command being lost and not one of the transports bringing the troops to the moon being destroyed.
As Oruba brought his fleet against Ubukko's to support the Akommu Brotherhood, Buh-roko landed in the moonbase's upper hanger. He fought his way solo to the ground floor and opened a bay door so that the mercenaries trying to fight their way into the facility could finally enter it. Then he led the fight into the labs, killing the Zabrak base commander, Nonot Swane. Ubukko, however, managed to escape the base and retreated to the surface of Ulrooine. The fight continued for several more months on Ulrooine but Ubukko was eventually caught and killed. During the war, Garren Akommu and many of his mercenaries grew to have great respect for Buh-roko's fearless fighting, but Garren was killed in the Battle of the Amganthanner and his nephew, Feague Akommu, became leader of the Akommu Brotherhood.
Lone Warrior[]
Feague Akommu despised Buh-roko, believing strongly that races like the Abyssin were weak and deserving of slavery. He attempted to kill Buh-roko in 59 BBY and the young mercenary fled, leaving his life in the Akommu Brotherhood behind. He had a modified CloakShape fighter with hyperspace capabilities and several small arms and explosives but only about two thousand truguts. Wishing to avoid the sectors where the Akommu Brotherhood usually operated, he traveled to Caltinia in the Senex sector to find work.
About fifty mercenaries went rogue on a moon in the Caltinia system and Buh-roko agreed to lead a Senex Security Force assault against the entrenched mercenaries. They succeeded with relatively few casualties and Buh-roko moved on to his next job defending salvagers from pirates in the Jidlor Marches. During his days defending the salvagers, he successful shot down twenty-eight pirates. Then an anti-Republic organization called the Free and Independent Planets hired him to infiltrate the Olvo Corporate offices on Humbarine and kidnap a Derimzo researcher named Dr. Jagolli. He succeeded but killed several security guards in the process and had to leave Republic space because a bounty was placed on his head.
In 55 BBY, he learned that the Folper bounty hunter Uner Marn had decided to capture him and turn him in to the Republic. As he was looking for work on Makem Te, he was ambushed by the Folper and his Whiphid partner. He killed both bounty hunters and took their weapons and credits. He then flew protection for a convoy headed for Ord Radama.
Final Years[]
In 40 BBY, he flew to Alee, where his former master, Oruba, had a measure of influence. Tired of fighting, he sold his fighter and purchased a scrap yard from a Chevin named Bul. He opened a business trading in junk and for three years barely made it. A group of slavers came to the village where he had set up shop and offered a fair sized bounty to anyone who would capture a group of four Wookiees in 37 BBY. Much to Buh-roko's surprise, the Wookiees chased a Klytonian assassin right into his scrap heap. He decided to capture them and he attacked and stunned two of the Wookiees but one of them, a female named Mawyrrlac, ripped off his arms and killed him.