Broek Nort was a male Human from Cademimu V. He was the nephew of Niphus Nort, a Humanocentrist politician, and grew up with his family's Humanocentrist views. He had one younger brother, Ivar, with whom he was very close, though they grew up to be quite different men—Ivar was more martial and physical, while Broek, though fit, preferred more intellectual pursuits.
When the Supreme Modality absorbed Cademimu, the Norts considered it a great change of fortunes. Niphus was eventually made governor of the planet, and his influence got Ivar a place in the guard at the Cademiman Cultural Tower and Broek a position as aide to Second Aurek. Ivar was overjoyed at his new station, but Broek was somewhat less enthused about serving Second Aurek, who clearly had no interest in him. Broek had a better view of First Dorn (who, unlike Second Aurek, actually knew of Broek's connection to Governor Nort).
Republic operatives infiltrated the Tower, and Broek arranged an armored transport in case the worst happened. Second Aurek escaped to use it, but the infiltrators killed First Dorn and two other Vanguardians, and Second Aurek retaliated by blowing up the Tower, killing everyone inside, including Ivar. Though devastated, Broek struggled to hold himself together, but was appalled when Second Aurek ordered all the civilians into the street, then closed shelters and bunkers to them in hopes of inhibiting the Republic's progress.
Second Aurek and Broek took shelter in a tank factory in the Arsenal District, but when Broek met the hovercade that was supposed to be bringing his uncle to safety, he discovered only Purifiers and realized Second Aurek had had his uncle assassinated. After Second Aurek was grievously wounded in a duel with Narasi Rican and Laysa Tharzaled, Broek pretended to rescue him and take him to safety. Then, when Second Aurek's guard was down, Broek shot him to death in revenge.