Star Wars Fanon

Britavania, officially the Republic of Britavania, was a country located on the Morsian Protectorate Planet Stella Primus within the Morsian Empire. Their flag had the Morsian emblem in its top left to show its status as a Morsian protectorate country.



Britavania formed from several conquests and consolidation by various countries in its surrounding area. Originally a defensive alliance of countries, the leaders got together and decided to merge all their countries into a single country that would join them all together with the same key value and idea, which was the defending of democracy and protection of their people.

Morsian contact[]

When the Morsians arrived on Stella Primus, they approached the prime minister of Britavania with a proposition, where the Morsians would protect the country from both inter and extra-terrestrial threats, build them infrastructure, modernise and revolutionise Britavania in return for trading, money and resources. Once they had gotten over their shock and surprise at meeting alien life, the prime minister was suspicious and wary of the offer, but after several long parliamentary debates, the offer was accepted and the Morsians started to build up the country.

Modernisation and industrialisation[]

Due to being one of the larger countries on the planet, much infrastructure needed to be built, including modern roads, better housing and a sanitation system. Then modern farming techniques were introduced along with education and power. Companies and corporations started appearing across the land which gave rise to public transportation, railways, aqueducts and water pumping stations, clean energy and various other new technologies that were all taught to them in their new education system. The country flourished with the economy experiencing reform and a boom with all the new jobs and trading created as well as a rise in population numbers as the Morsians implemented cutting edge medicine and hospitals to the land. True to their word, the Morsians also defended Britavanian lands from those countries hostile to the aliens and their allies.

Long term allies to the Morsians[]

Once the country had been fully developed, the Morsians started to educate the Britavanians in the Morsian way of fighting, reforming the Britavanian army into a the legionary structure used by the Morsian Army. This was so the country could defend itself from attack without needing a permanent Morsian garrison on the planet, which was difficult due to the Morsians being unable to breathe the atmosphere of the planet. Various legions were raised that were capable of defending Britavanian lands from their more hostile neighbors. Britavania continued to be a staunch ally of the Morsians, with them being their largest export partner and most vocal ally.


Britavania was a parliamentary republic, with the prime minister as the head of state. When the Morsians arrived, they did not change the government of Britavania and left them as they were. Every 4 years, an election was held where a new prime minister could be chosen by the people or the current ruling prime minister could continue to rule for another 4 years. Supporting them was the Britavanian Parliament which had Members of Parliament, or MPs that argued and debated over laws or new occurrences in the country. There were various political parties that had risen and fallen from power, while others had been outlawed due to extremism or violence.


The Britavanians spoke Britavanian prior to the arrival of the Morsians. At their formation, several different languages were spoken from the various countries that became Britavania, however soon after its formation, Britavanian was the most widest spoken and so became the dominant and official language. When the Morsians arrived, they started to teach Old Morsian in the education system to aid communication between their two nations. This was less widely spoken but still understood by a majority of the population. Both these languages were overtaken by Galactic Basic Standard when traders, visitors and tourists to the nation started coming from across the galaxy. Galactic Basic was soon taught in the education system alongside the native Britavanian, with Old Morsian soon forgotten by all but a few in the populace that kept speaking and teaching it. Over time, Galactic Basic overtook all other spoken languages in the country, becoming the de facto language of the country.


Britavania mostly used the Britavanian Pound as its currency, minted at the Britavania Mint. When the Morsians arrived, they attempted to reform the currency system but realised that the Britavanian economy was strong enough to not warrant reform. Morsian Denarii was attempted to be circulated alongside the Pound at the same price, but it ultimately caused confusion and was mostly dropped. When Galactic Credit Standard started appearing in the Britavanian economy, it originally caused confliction and confusion, as a conversion rate had to be made between the two forms. Luckily, as the Britavanian Pound was worth the same as the Morsian Denarii, the same conversion rate was used, which allowed Credits to be traded on the planet. As more trade started coming through and more intergalactic tourists came to the country with Credits, it overtook both the Pound and Denarii, being accepted across the country. The Pound and, to a lesser extent, the Denarii, became secondary traded currencies, though were accepted at all banks, shops and currency converters across the nation.


The Britavanian army was mostly comprised of various levels and types of spearmen before the appearance of the Morsians. These spearmen had varying levels of armor and weapons based on their role. Light Spearmen had short spears and larger shields, while heavier or elite spearmen had long spears and often round or square shields along with heavy armor. When the Morsians came, the Morsian Legions were a stark contrast to the Britavanian army, with completely differing armor, equipment, hierarchy and fighting style. While the Britavanian army worked alongside the Morsians during the beginning of their alliance, the Morsians slowly overtook the Britavanians when it came to defence, making the army into an auxiliary force. After the planet became less hostile to the aliens, the Morsians reformed the Britavanian army into the Morsian style, with legions being raised with Morsian equipment, training and armor, though some auxiliary units continued to use Britavanian fighting techniques.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Britavania is somewhat based on Britain, with its currency, naming and government being based on the UK.

List of appearances[]
