Star Wars Fanon

Brineclaws were a species of crustacean native to Neroth. They were known for their striking blue and yellow coloration, fierce territorial battles with one another, and for being a delicacy on the planet.


Brineclaws had crustacean and insectoid features and were fairly large compared to average crustaceans, being about a meter tall in height. They were covered in a protective chitin exoskeleton that was primarily blue in color, with yellow markings. Brineclaws possessed a total of eight legs, four on each side, and a pair of large claws. Their faces were dominated by a pair of pronged mandible-like horns.

Brineclaws were mostly passive in nature, preferring to scavenge, although they were adept at hunting molluscs by crushing their shells. For territory and mates, they were surprisingly vicious, with individuals engaged in "duels" that included flipping and pinning their opposition, then tearing off limbs with their claws. They were capable of regenerating lost limbs.

The meat of a brineclaw was considered a delicacy on Neroth, with a sweet and slightly nutty flavor.

Behind the scenes[]

Their horns were inspired by the mandibles of the stag beetle.
