Star Wars Fanon


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Rise of the Empire era

Brek Mooncylle was a Human male born on the Core World of Etzo Thokos in 62 BBY. In his early thirties, he accidentally killed a clumsy Fyyrsprus mechanic. The mechanic was a friend of a local criminal named Jrav Malex, who accused him of murder. Fearing for his life, Mooncylle fled the planet, eventually winding up as a moisture farmer on Tatooine. He married Junna Pawon in 24 BBY and they had two children, Renna and Jax. In 19 BBY, there was a battle between pirates and smugglers near his homestead. He and several other farmers traveled to the site to scavenge it before the Jawas arrived and they found and rescued a badly wounded Argun Obroggva. In 1 ABY, Mooncylle was killed near Mos Espa by a Tusken Raider.
