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Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Breino Vorn was a male Rodian pilot, smuggler, and gunslinger. Born on Rodian during the final years of the Galactic Republic, Breino experienced firsthand the planet-wide famine and unrest caused by the Clone Wars. Due to a troubled early life, he left Rodia behind as a teenager after being taken in by the pirate Kel Krest.

As a member of Krest's crew, Breino traveled across the galaxy raiding the spacelanes. He quickly acclimated to a life of constant travel and freedom, but soon began to grow disillusioned with the cruelty and violence displayed by his cohorts. He left the pirate's life behind after instigating a deadly mutiny and escaping, determined to make it on his own. Breino's career as a smuggler began with small-time jobs and grew with the acquisition of his ship, the Flipdarter, as well as business connections and patronage from individuals such as Jula Guan Moska of the Hutt Cartel.

Breino's career as a smuggler saw him work for various criminal elements across the galaxy, particularly organizations such as the Hutt Cartel and the Black Sun. Inevitably, he crossed path with competition and bounty hunters, and made allies and enemies alike. Eventually, he formed a crew of his own.

During the Galactic Civil War, Breino and his crew were ostensibly neutral but secretly aided the budding Rebellion as contractors and Rebel privateers that harassed Imperial shipping. After the war, Breino joined Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance.


Early life[]

My story ain't the oldest of it's kind; you hear it just about everywhere. Parents don't care and home was a mess. I saw an opportunity an' decided to take it.
—Breino Vorn

Breino was born on the planet Rodia, in the slums of Equator City.


These merchants and corporate types are fat and wealthy, sitting nice and warm and fed in their palaces, while us little folks go without. Don't think of it as robbery... think of it as retribution. Just helpin' ourselves to a little bit of their unearned spoils.
—Kel Krest

By the time he was a teenager, Breino left his troubled home behind after a chance encounter with the pirate crew of Kel Krest.

Smuggling career[]

Growing weary of violence, Breino struck it out on his own and began his smuggling career by using his share of the ill-gotten loot to swindle an aging freighter pilot. The pilot was looking to retire and had put his YT-2400 light freighter up sale. Sensing an opportunity, Breino contacted the man with the intention of making a deal; instead, he conned his way into a significant bargain and left with most of his credits and new ship in tow.

Personality and traits[]

Breino was a man with a number of vices, equally fond of cigarras and alcohol. He was an avid gambler, which sometimes landed him into trouble. Nevertheless, he was able to use his talents and skill at deception to supplant his income. Breino had a casual attitude about sex and frequently engaged in brief sexual encounters or short-lived romances.

Physical description[]

Breino's Rodian physiology caused him to look considerably different than other humanoid individuals.

Skills and abilities[]

Breino's most defining skill was his capability as a pilot. After years of teaching himself through firsthand experience and learning from pirates, smugglers and bounty hunters, his style of flying was daring and agile. He boasted that he could "fly just about anything", but was most comfortable behind the controls of a starfighter or a light freighter. In particular, Breino's knowledge of a variety of starship maneuvers and oftentimes reckless usage of them made him a wily, slippery pilot.

As a gunslinger, Breino was more than capable of defending himself in a shootout. His preferred tactic was a decisive one-shot fast draw that ended a fight before it started. Breino wielded pistols with deftness and skill, and while he was capable of wielding weapons such as blaster rifles, he generally refrained from using larger weapons. He had some proficiency in unarmed combat, but had no training in any style of martial arts.

Breino was an accomplished mechanic and was able to not only repair and maintain vehicles or starships, but modify them as well. Thanks to years of being a spacer traveling the star-lanes, Breino was efficient in making repairs and using the resources available to him to the fullest. Due to his skill, the Flipdarter had countless modifications.


Breino's trusted sidearm was a modified DE-10 blaster pistol, which he kept on his person seemingly at all times; the blaster was held in a quickdraw holster at his right hip.


Kel Krest[]

Initially, Breino regarded Krest as both a mentor figure and as someone to aspire to be like. Over time, their relationship soured, particularly due to Krest's cruel and callous nature regarding violence.

Jula Guan Moska[]

You're a bold little man. I like that.
—Jula Guan Moska

As opposed to what was expected for underworld business relationships, particularly those involving Hutts, Breino and Jula had a friendly relationship.


Breino's crew was a tight-knit and motley collection of rogues and other misfits, although some members were temporary.


Gaartharr was hired to be the crew's muscle.


Sevo'aer was a brief member of Breino's crew. The destitute Kiffar and the Rodian smuggler met on Tatooine, where Sevo'aer sought a ship that would grant him passage off-world. Without much in the way of money, the two worked out a deal where Sevo'aer would have to pull his weight onboard the Flipdarter.

Sosar Drif[]

Breino and Sosar were very similar, in the sense that both were silver-tongued rogues.

Velk Khey'et[]

Although Breino hired Velk on as more security for his crew, the relationship between the two quickly became stormy. Velk's cold personality distanced himself from the rest of the crew, particularly the gregarious Breino, and the mercenary's predisposition to cruelty and violence caused an untold amount of friction.


Breino had a number of romantic and sexual partners through the course of his life.

Zhur'tina Gunn'sara[]

A slave that served Jula Guan Moska as a dancer, Breino encountered Zhur'tina numerous times due to his service to the Hutt.

Ryndi Isar[]

Ryndi and Breino countered each other numerous times throughout Hutt Space and the Outer Rim. Ryndi was hired by a displeased crime lord to bring the smuggler in after Breino dumped expensive cargo.

Vanel Inkari[]

Vanel was initially Breino's contact and liaison with the Black Sun.

Behind the scenes[]
