Bregaran (Lónguá Brégáróna in Ingzan) was the traditional language of the Bregaro, an avian race. As the Bregaro were close allies of the Ingza, some Ingzans were known to be able to speak Bregaran, it was the official primary language of the Empire of the Bregaro and a main language of the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire and Ingzan-Bregaran Confederation, along with Ingzan. It was spoken by the Bregaro, Ingza, N'Akkiarla and others who learnt it, like some of the humans of the Coruscant Galaxy who learnt it when contact was made with the Bregaro.
Despite Bregaran being a co-official language of the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire, Ingzan was the Lingua Franca of the Empire, being the language more often used in cross-species interactions, and was the second most common language in the galaxy after N'Akkiarlian, being a common trade language of the N'Akkiarl Galaxy. The leadership of the Bregaran species most often spoke in Ingzan, especially when speaking with their Ingzan counterparts, it became considered "low class" and made oneself look "uneducated" to speak with an Ingzan in Bregaran in a formal situtation, this was because the Bregaran lower classes didn't generally receive as good an education as the higher classes, and were thus more likely to only know their own language.
Words and phrases in Bregaran[]
- Hello - Kinisini (Kih-nih-sih-nih)
- Hi - Kinisi (Kih-nih-sih)
- Good Day - Jikakanektokagovakir (Jih-kah-kan-ek-toh-kah-goh-vah-kir)
- Good Morning - Jikakanniyiromakivaza (Jih-kah-kan-nih-yih-roh-mak-ih-vah-zah)
- Good Afternoon - Jikakanaktokavakto (Jih-kah-kan-ak-toh-kah-vak-toh)
- Good Evening - Jikakanunzitiktaveyadigi (Jih-kah-kan-un-zih-tik-tah-vey-ah-dih-gih)
- Good Night - Jikakanyangapov (Jih-kah-kan-yan-gah-pov)
- Ingza - Inigiza (Ih-nih-gih-zah)
- Bregaro - Bregaro (Breh-gah-roh)
- Ingzan-Bregaran Empire - Inigizan-Bregaran Enkotoko (Ih-nih-gih-zan breh-gah-ran en-koh-tok-koh)
- Ingzan-Bregaran Confederation - Inigizan-Bregaran Vonsgatokavokorota (Ih-nih-gih-zan breh-gah-ran vons-gah-toh-kah-voh-koh-roh-tah)
- Imperial Navy - Enkotoko Neyokugen (En-koh-toh-koh neh-yoh-kuh-gen)
- Confederate Navy - Vonsgatokavokorota Neyokugen (Vons-gah-toh-kah-voh-koh-roh-tah neh-yoh-kuh-gen)
- Royal Navy of Ingza - Inigizan Seyzakasatako Neyokugen {Ih-nih-gih-zan sey-zah-kah-sah-tah-koh neh-yoh-kuh-gen)
- (Star)fighter - (Vrinigakaka)miriminrapiyokta (Vrih-nih-gah-kah-kah mih-rih-min-rah-pih-yok-tah)
- {Star)bomber - (Vrinigakaka)pahavalayuyeb (Vrih-nih-gah-kah-kah pah-ah-vah-lah-yuh-yeb)
- Battleship - Zayaker (Zah-yah-keh-r)
- Battlecruiser - Zayakerin (Zah-yah-keh-rin)
- Heavy cruiser - Hoyakals dedooana (Hoh-yah-kals ded-oo-ah-nah)
- Castle - Deknorak (Dek-noh-rak)
- Raptor - Heriko (Heh-rih-koh)