Star Wars Fanon

My saber. I lost it in fight… I liked that saber.
—Braw Neck, speaking of his lightsaber

Braw Neck's lightsaber was the lightsaber borne by Braw Neck, a Jedi Master remaining from Order 66.

During the Great Jedi Purge, Neck settled down on the planet of Kashmarr'k, where he erected a hut and stowed the weapon on the bottom of a wooden drawer. One day in 18 BBY, when he agreed to help Gienna, a local elder woman, he took the weapon out of the cage and dusted it off with his fingertips.

Used during the Attack on the Kashmarr'k village and the subsequent pursuit, as well as the First and the Second Duel on Zuomiarra, the lightsaber was finally destroyed in the latter place, by Inquisitor Marr Chinn Braw Neck's former padawan.
