Star Wars Fanon

His tactical thinking may be restricted, much as he is accessed a power far stronger than hundreds of soldiers.
Commander Ralf Vanders, on Braw Neck

Braw Neck, known under the fictitious name of Ladir Voe during the Great Purge, was a human Jedi Master and a Grand Army of the Republic General throughout the Clone Wars. One of a few survivors of Order 66, he became a rebel against the Galactic Empire, particularly engaged in brining relief to the threatened by the regime.

Following the downfall of the Galactic Republic, Neck was temporarily accommodated in Gienna's place in the village of Sparsewood, Kashmarr'k, before erecting his own hut. At the request of his former host, in 18 BBY he succored the inhabitants of the settlement in their resistance towards the Galactic Empire, which arrived on the planet in the search of Diego, a Confederacy of Independent Systems officer, and threatened to incenerate the village were he not turned in. Neck confronted the clone-soldiers and subsequently teamed up with Gienna and the Separatist activist in order to join their forces in defecting from the planet. On board of the freighter Sepich, the crew undertook a bravuour escape from the regime.

In his time within the Order structures, Neck took it upon himself to train the padawan Marr Chinn. In the Imperial era, however, the former padawan betrayed and pledged himself to the dark side of the Force. From then on, he endeavored to localize his former master in order to annihilate him. The bond between the two did not divulge until Braw Neck's squad's stay on Zuomiarra. Their localization exposed, the fugitives were impelled to repel a total of two duels against the Inquisitorious, one involving Marr himself. The subsequent cataclysm ordered by Commander Ralf Vanders enforced the team's escape on board of the Monster, a Republic gunship reconstructed by a local boy Kai Tech, with him aboard. On their further journey, Julie Taa, the chairwoman of the Rural Housewives' Club encountered by chance to whom Braw Neck felt romantically attracted, was abandoned. The final stage of the tour was the arrival at Unconquerable, the headquarters of the remaining Confederacy of Independent Systems loyalists. Upon Diego's betrayal, Neck, Gienna, Kai Teck, and Luc, a mechanic incorporated to the squad on their way, were disarmed before being imprisoned in a cell, from where they barely escaped during an Imperial attack. However, Kai was left in the base, presumed dead while in fact simply injured.

Neck primarily valued life above all, which constituted his principle philosophical-social view. On that ground, the man encountered difficulties pertaining to bringing death in fight, as well as entered into disputed with his apprentice, who denied the humanity of clones. Braw Neck's views were nonetheless subjected to metamorphosis over time, especially while Kai Teck, in a fit of anger after losing his mother and everything he ever knew, accused him with bringing death while in fact aiming to save life. Another factor to imprint on Neck's principle was the unintended killing of Halinca, the wife of the Chief of Sparsewood, and another confrontation with Marr Chinn, during which he came to realize not having been the only member of the Order exhibiting reluctance towards its actions.

The Unconquerable conquered, Neck, Luc, and Gienna returned to Kashmarr'k, where they were shortly kidnapped by the bounty hunters Palmer and Joleme, planning to collect bounty on the remaining Jedi's head. Subsequently, they were about to involve him in the mission to retrieve the stone mask of Koraband, which the Jedi declined, as he wanted to have nothing in common with Sithan artifacts.


Early life[]

Braw Neck ranked on the 2nd and the 3rd place during Coruscant Jedi Temple combat tournaments.
—The Grand Inquisitor, of Braw Neck, 18 BBY

A human male born in 62 BBY, Braw Neck was incorporated into the structures of the Jedi Order during his childhood. He was subjected to training by a certain master, upon the tragic death of whom he was raised to the rank of Knight and, in 30 BBY, embarked upon the padawan training of Marr Chinn, a human boy found among Ewoks on Endor.

In 29 and 28 BBY, Braw Neck participated in the Coruscant Jedi temple combat tournaments, garnering the 2nd and the 3rd place, respectively.

Training of Marr Chinn[]

One day, one day you'll be far stronger than me. That's the course of things, an apprentice usually outdoes the master.
—Braw Neck, to his padawan Marr Chinn

By reason of Braw Neck's negligence, Marr Chinn's padawan's braid was woven on the wrong side at the beginning of his training. The man subsequently provided his apprentice with some advice aimed for evading the consequences which they could both bear, as a result of which the case eventually overlooked.

About to inform his mentor of the successful course of his talk with higher members of the Order, Chinn entered the room assigned to Braw and saw him repairing his lightsaber in a manual manner as opposed to using the Force. The news communicated, the boy approached the man and cuddled him up, bringing about his discomfort. Both of them sitting on the older's bunk, Braw quarried whether his apprentice still missed his parents. His apprentice nonverbally confirming it by nodding his head, Braw worried his apprentice, disclaiming his being any substitute of them.

Another day, the master and the apprentice were spending time training the lightsaber combat indoors the Coruscant Jedi Temple. In the face of an apparent progress in his charge's achievements, the satisfied Neck praised Chinn, who—rather than accepting the compliment—credited his master with his own success. At the end of the day, however, Marr failed to defeat his mentor and in effect felt miserable, taking into account the intense training he had been subjecting himself to. In an attempt to console him, Neck insisted that with every day passing he would become better and better, before stressing that one day his skills would outperform his own. He concluded that Coruscant wasn't built in a day and—so as to authenticate that thesis—showed him the sunrise, casting light upon the planet's landscape. Not until then did the apprentice consent with his master, admitting never to have thought of it in this way, before the pair left the room in favor of participating in a conference.

Clone Wars[]

Siege of Mygeeto[]

There were two thousand people down there. You led them for certain death!
—Braw Neck, to Marr Chinn

Alongside the 22 BBY outbreak of the Clone Wars, a military conflict waged by the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Neck in common with other Jedi knights squared off to fight, assuming the position of General. During numerous battles, he knew plenty of clone-soldiers, his attitude towards them being unusually subjectively.

In 19 BBY, namely six months following Marr Chinn's promotion to Jedi Knight, the Siege of Mygeeto took place, during which Braw Neck was stationed in the staff, with his former apprentice leading the soldiers down on the planet; it was then than he allowed the death of one hundred and ninety-one clones, out of which only a handful was spared. The incident brought about a dispute between Braw and Chinn pertaining to morality and humanity. The latter held that the Grand Army members' production in a factory dehumanized them per se and would not let his master appeal to his mentality, while originally appearing to be depressed with the very situation, sitting on a coach.


Personality traits[]

And in case they make impend it, then my esteem and your powers will address this problem at a glance.
—Diego, on Master Braw Neck's personality

Braw Neck was a person of a specific sense of humor. A devout believer of the Force, he would preach of it to whoever possible. He was som absent-minded, which resulted in distraction. Capable of cutting himself off from the environment, he would unexpectedly descent into meditation, seeming to exhibit no reaction to external stimuli at such moments.

Irrespective of the feeling Braw Neck had towards Julie Taa ever since he first saw her, he sought to repulse it, taking into account the arbitrariness of the Jedi Code.

Philosophical views[]

The issue of human life value[]

It's your principle, Master Jedi. You wanted to do the same back on Kashmarr'k, remember? Turn yourself in to the Empire and sacrifice your life so the inhabitants were spared and Gienna and I, could escape.
—Diego, in an attempt to attest to a spray of possible interpretations of Neck's worldview

The prominent philosophical view of Braw Neck was the value he ascribed to human life. He would articulate this principle in discussions with his padawan, mindful of his refusal to recognize the humanity of clones, which eventually led to his expulsion from the Jedi Order. In contrast to him, Braw respected the Grand Army of the Republic soldiers per see, regardless of their broad-scale breeding and unnatural origins. This notion underwent no change even after the clones turned against him following Order 66. (Braw Neck did not kill Lieutenant Shark despite anticipating the other clones' confusion after doing so, and while escaping he would deflect laser bolts in such a way that the lowest possible number of his foes were hit.)

Neck did not compromise his views in the name of conformism, but rather volunteered to sacrifice his life in order to spare that of the Kashmarr'k inhabitants. He was nonetheless stunned by Diego, who would sooner escape, and was hence made to confront his values with the arguments laid forth by the young Separatist, who—by contrast—asserted that his behavior had allowed their aid to attain a much larger spectrum of recipients in other corners of the galaxy. In addition, the juvenile invoked the Jedi's principles while suggesting his intent to take his life in favor of saving his own. That incident induced Braw Neck's reflection pertaining to his convictions considering during the subsequent attack by Marr Chinn, he himself mandate that he be killed, however strong the bond once occurring between the two was.

Yet the final metamorphosis of the Jedi Master's morals did not come until Kai Teck, in a hit of emotions, pounced upon his back and commenced punching his head, his hands clenched in fists, before accusing him of sowing havoc where he was to save life. Clearly as he memorized everything happening up until then, only then did he realize what his actions brought on in fact, namely the death of many people back on Zuomiarra and the vanishing of Filip herself. Once the boy was shot and stumbled to the ground, the Jedi refused to go towards him due to his conviction of his death, the very words spoken by the juvenile euthanizing his position of a romantic in favor of stoic rationalism.

The change to the Jedi's worldview did not preempt the impending remorse, with Braw himself repenting of having abandoned Kai without seeing to his condition. Over time, he came to regret the forsaking of Julie Taa, as well, yet what primarily gave him sleepless nights was the manslaughter he committed upon the innocent Halinca while parrying the laser beam shot at him by Palmer and Jolene. Conscious as he was that life was easier were someone's death taken for granted, Braw Neck nevertheless held that one ought to pursue the truth as opposed to psychical comfort.

Attitude towards the Jedi Order[]

Braw Neck: “You know what, Gienna? I wanted to be a Jedi throughout my life, but now I don't any more. I'm not a Jedi. I threw away the lightsaber. The Order.
Gienna: “Leya stop grudging, bachelor. Us not needs one other guardian of justice, us needs one Jedi. For not many of them swings by recently.
―In his hit of doubt, Gienna was the one to help Braw Neck find his new way around.

In his membership of the Jedi Order, Neck gained doubt concerning the rightfulness of its actions, these thoughts intensifying as the Clone Wars advanced. While obscuring these notions from himself, in fact he condemned the engagement in fight, which brought about death and annihilation from planet to planet, and so he deplored the breeding of clones, which he deemed as not ethic. The muffled views of his did not escalate until the confrontation with Marr Chinn on Gambl-55. In the light of his former apprentice apparently harboring the same feelings, he eradicated his lightsaber and vowed to practice the defence of justice otherwise in preference to cultivating his past as a Jedi. Within a moment, however, Gienna managed to put the faith in the Order back in his head, vouching that in the time of disorder the Jedi were who were needed the most. What she also counseled was that the Jedi quit focusing upon himself and instead zero in on others, doing nothing beyond what he could. At the end of the day, Braw Neck no longer hid from hiself the wrong behavior of the Order, and he comprehended that his behavior was contingent upon no one other than him.

Sexual preferences[]

I guess you mean that fat lady. What was her…? July? Jane? Oh, that's it! Julie Taa!
—Dick, providing a brief description of Julie Taa's external appearance

Neck was fond of women of over-average obesity. However, the man of aware of such romantic relationships being under prohibition to the Jedi Order members. Despite such a strange fascination, the contour of Halinca fended him off rather than aroused.


I'd really need some skills like… yours, Master Neck.
—Diego, of Braw Neck's skills

Braw Neck was a very good swordsperson, to which attested his garnering of the 2nd and the 3rd place during the tournaments held within the Coruscant Jedi Temple. These abilities paved his way to defeat Mi How, yet the subsequent duel with Marr Chinn, his former padawan, posed difficulties due to the strong bond conjoining the two. Braw would manipulate his lightsaber in such a way as to evade excessive strokes against the adversary's blade. Proficient in engaging Form III and Form IV of lightsaber combat (Soresu and Ataru, respectively), he clashed duels nearly with balet precision, and was even capable of fighting with no weapon engaged.

Physical appearance[]

I can weave something like this by myself.
—Filip, of Braw Neck's tunic

In his hermitage on Kashmarr'k, Braw Neck clothed himself in a light, local tunic and trousers of a higher value, his feet adorned with footwear, also more expensive than the top garment. Right before the Attack on Sparewood, he shove his graying hair in order to henceforth shine a bald head. Every morning, he was used to trimming his facial hair in addition to nurturing a characteristic mustache, peeking from under the nose. When he was no more than fourty-some years old, his age tended to be overestimated.

Upon the surface of Zuomiarra, Braw Neck introduced amendments to his outfit clothing, as he intended to sell the tunic. However, he left on the green shirt worn under it and covered it with a gray jacket minded from the local scrap.


My lightsaber… I lost it during the fight. I liked that lightsaber.
—Braw Neck, having lost his lightsaber

Indoors his hut, Braw Neck would keep a razor, a provisional closet, and a mirror, the latter hung on the wall. Prior to 29 BBY, he constructed his blue-bladed lightsaber with a silver, goldish hilt, to which he became unusually attached emotionally. Upon its lost in 18 BBY, he became depressed and wept tears, yet a new weapon was quickly bestowed to him by Diego, the one the Jedi had reconstructed by himself out of Mi How's lightsaber, the Kyber crystal bleached not to emit a red blow any longer. Yet he temporarily lost it, as well, having voluntarily surrendered it to Diego's companions on Unconquerable prior to his betrayal, though he retrieved it before the team escaped. Having returned to Kashmarr'k, he would employ a blaster pistol as a means of prevention.

Braw Neck happened to wear a woven sack a couple of times, derived from among the debris of Zuomiarra. The equipment stored within included his Jedi tunic, the blaster pistol, and lunch. The tunic itself, which he meant to sell, he left behind on Zuomiarra, and it shortly became Filip's property.



Gienna, no! The field bad! Stop, or your heart will!
—Braw Neck, in an attempt to prevent Gienna from doing something she was likely to regret

Braw Neck was grateful to Gienna for the accommodation she had provided him with before he completed the construction of his own hut. By the virtue of it, he did not refuse to help her in repulsing an attack by the Empire in 18 BBY. His care also manifested itself in the patience he exhibited towards the elder, e.g. in the face of her inability to keep up with the others due to limping because of suffering from varicos veins and in the face of her impulsive attempt to plunge onto an energy field, likely to rouse cardiac standstill in her.

The Braw Neck—Gienna relationship in time rose to somewhat of friendship. Once the elder lady noticed the Jedi recede for a lonely contemplation of his so-far lifespan, she dashed after him irrespective of her legs aching and beat the one-way distance of three kilometers in order to ensure his consolation. It was to her that the Jedi owed the upholding of his loyalty towards the Order, for after it faded, it was she who sustained it by arbitrarily calling down accurate arguments.


Maybe it'll sound silly, but I still believe he's a good person. I just suppose there must be something spurring him up to be so.
—Braw Neck, of Diego, upon his betrayal

Trustless of him in the beginning, Braw Neck somewhat foresaw Diego's ambush, yet he still introduced himself under his actual name. Throughout their common journey, their opposing worldviews led to plenty of tensions, one of such coming when Diego declined to save the villagers commanded by Vuodeck. The Jedi alone would have allowed his own kidnapping by the Empire had the Separatist not stunned and taken him aboard, arguing that only if alive could they bring relief to the damaged by the regime, and to a broader scale.

During the first duel on Zuomiarra, Diego temporarily assumed Braw Neck's views in an attempt to trick him into believing he was about to kill and turn him in to Mi How, as long as Gienna and he could be spared. Hence, he instigated the Jedi to undertake a deeper reflection pertaining his thus-far values.

The difference between Braw Neck's and Diego's perception of reality also manifested itself in Diego's intention of stealing Kai Teck's gunship in order to abscond the planet themselves. It also encompassed the matter of the Jedi's sexual taste, which nowhere near corresponded with Diego's affection towards thin rather than thick women.

The eventual betrayal of Diego let Braw Neck down, who henceforth could not reconcile himself to his misrecognition of the Separatist's true intents. Unable to discern what he accomplished via their alliance on the journey, during which he did not even hesitate to save him, he nonetheless believed in the boy's goodness, convinced of there being another motivation impacting the mind of his.
