Boba Fett was the son of Jango Fett, the prototype for the military clones made during the Clone Wars. He was actually a clone of Jango, without genetic modification for greater ability in combat.
He was a Mandalorian and a respected—and feared—bounty hunter. At the age of seventy-two, he was hired by Ta'a Chume to kill Queen Mother Tenel Ka, Ta'a Chume's granddaughter, for the sum of three million credits. He took the job and got to Hapes just as a group of Jedi arrived to warn Tenel Ka; another hired hunter, Ingvor Gord, was close enough to Tenel Ka's family that she decided to inform them instead of taking the job.
Boba was injured by Tenel Ka; his jetpacks were almost useless to get him away from three Jedi Knights that were using telekinesis to keep him from escaping. He lay down and pretended to be dead after being injured, and Tenel Ka rushed to safety with her daughter Allana. Boba then sat up and shot Tenel Ka, killing her almost instantly.
Ben Skywalker, however, shot Boba, who was still lying on the ground and trying to crawl to his ship, the Slave I. The blaster shot killed him, and the three million credit reward for Tenel Ka's death went unpaid.