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The blue-winged keek (Anthracinus Triurus) was one of three large, sentient raptor species native to Mireldan IV.
Males had dark indigo wing feathers shading to green, small pale green feathers on their chests, green and blue crests from the middle of their forehead back to the napes of their necks, and gold eyes.
The female of the race was slightly smaller, lacking the crests and darker wing feathers; their wings were a pale blue that fades into an aquamarine green.
The wingspan of a fully grown adult was 3.4 meters long.
Blue-winged keek mated for life, and both parents helped in raising the chicks. They usually laid four eggs in a nest.
Keek could understand and speak Basic with the help of a translating device, but their dialect and slang was difficult to understand at first.
Keek slang (TBC)[]
- Egg brother/sister- close friend
- Good flying, my friend- Goodbye
- What crawled up his/her feathers and laid eggs? - What made him/her so mad? (sarcastic)
Common keek names[]
Clan names[]
- Arrk'he/
- Sh'rreeek/
- Kieeeschak/
Given names[]
- Jarai/
- Karai/
- Ahkeena