Star Wars Fanon

A Bloodtrooper Commander

Stand to attention! We are mounting this assault on a heavily defended bunker. We have almost no vehicle or Wartrooper support, so we have to do this on our own. Three elite Commandos will be leading the assault. Nonconformity among Commanders will be punished by the termination of the Commander who does not conform. That is all you need to know.
—Grand Moff Panaka briefing Bloodtrooper Commanders before the The Assault on Bunker 5653665.

Bloodtrooper Commanders were the elite commanders of the Bloodtrooper Corps.


Bloodtrooper Commanders were identical clones, exactly the same in every aspect of their personality. They were created on Kamino and trained on Ukarna. Nonconformity within the Bloodtrooper Commanders was highly suspicious and often resulted in the termination of the nonconformer. Bloodtrooper Commanders were not given names, but serial numbers such as 'X349'. This was caused by Darth Kanno's belief that his Bloodtroopers were not people, but tools to be manipulated. Sometimes, Bloodtrooper Commanders who performed a large number of victories or who showed courage under fire were also given designations such as 'Bacara' to prevent confusion and as a morale booster.

List of famous Bloodtrooper Commanders[]

  • Commander C1138 'Cody'
  • Commander H666 'Gree'
  • Commander G444 'Kashyyk'
  • Commander J789 'Bacara'
  • Commander H88113 'Verovsky'