Star Wars Fanon

Bleprum was a male shipwright designer from the planet Corellia that served within an organized remnant of the Galactic Empire that existed during the reign of the New Republic. Having fled from the government that had succeeded the Rebel Alliance after its definitive triumph at the Battle of Jakku, during the months following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Bleprum joined the tattered remains of the once-mighty Imperial Starfleet that withdrew into the Queluhan Nebula to prepare themselves for a renewed assault against the Republic under the leadership of Grand Moff Randd. A hawkish loyalist of the New Order that supported its future restoration as the only viable means to bring secure law to the galaxy, Bleprum subsequently helped the Imperial remnant to refit its TIE fighters with modernize weaponry capable of negating the standard defenses of the signature starfighter models utilized by the New Republic Defense Fleet.[1] Centuries later, the bloodline tied with surname Bleprum continued to exist, with an officer distantly related to the Imperial shipwright serving within the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Lost Stars
  2. Star Wars: Hidden Stars