Star Wars Fanon

This is the Black Mamba super-heavy tank, this beast of a tank mounts the gun used on the J-1 proton cannon, that's right, we've taken a gun which can shoot down Acclamators and made it into a tank gun! This monster will decimate any and all Republic ground vehicles!
Jane Zarkan showing off Earth's first superweapon of galactic importance to her ally, Count Dooku

The Black Mamba super-heavy tank was a superweapon produced by Earth. The Black Mamba was an extremely large super-heavy tank which used the J-1 semi-autonomous proton cannon's gun as its main armament, the J-1's cannon was exceptionally powerful, capable of punching through the shields of an Acclamator and causing severe hull damage, with several J-1s being capable of bringing down an Acclamator in seconds, as demonstrated during the Battle of Ryloth. It was believed that this tank would be able to decimate every type of ground vehicle in Republic service, as well as most aerial vehicles, if able to elevate the gun enough to shoot them.

The Republic was naturally very worried about this tank, and ordered it to be destroyed, however the Republic sabotage team was killed, and the prototype tank saved, the prototype, named "Rep Crusher", would later serve in combat, were it proved to be indeed devastating to the Republic forces, but was fairly easy to immobilise and knock out, due to it being a tracked vehicle (as was the tradition in tank designs on Earth), its huge weight also made it quite slow.

However the cons didn't deter Jane Zarkan from demanding the tank enter production, as far as Jane was concerned that battle-winning, possibly war-winning, potential of the tank, and its extreme power, far outweighed its cons.

Black Mambas were pretty expensive and time-consuming to produce, so not as many were built as their fellow tank designs such as the AAT and the Cobra medium tank, they served in both the First and Third battles of Earth, were they proved themselves to be deadly, and highly feared, weapons.

The standard variant had no shields, however an upgraded version, the Black Mamba Mk I* ("*" signifies an improved model which is similar enough to the previous mark to not receive a new mark number), which was ray shielded, similar to the Super Tank, and was impervious to all known Republic ground weapons, the Mk I* was by far one of the deadliest ground vehicles ever fielded by the CIS, fortunately for Republic ground forces, the Mk I* saw very few numbers built.
