Star Wars Fanon

A Bisecting Drive was a battle tactic employed by the Royal Navy of the Golden Empire, particularly in its border campaigns as it acquired territory which had one belonged to the Vagaari Empire and the Chiss Ascendancy.

The Bisecting Drive was accomplished by sending a large warship—typically an Imperial Star Destroyer, although a Chiss Star Destroyer or even a Resolute-class destroyer could be used effectively—directly toward the center of massed enemy ships. The charging ship would fire all guns forward and, as it passed through, to both sides, forcing the united front to split in two, where the two halves could more easily be attacked by other ships.

The Bisecting Drive required the enemy ships to be relatively weak in comparison to the attacking ship, lest they hold their ground against the attack and force the attacking ship to divert, or even damage it. Breek Zagrev often used the Star Destroyer Assassin for Bisecting Drives during her border campaigns as a Royal Executor. She developed the strategy of having bomber squadrons follow the charging ship, hidden by its engine drive signature, and pounce on the nearest ships in the wake of the Assassin's passing as they were still recovering from the Star Destroyer's barrage.
