Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Bex was the nickname of a clone trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars and was promoted to Captain when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine announced the Declaration of the New Order, forcing all clone troopers to serve the Empire and turn against their Jedi Generals during Order 66.


Bex was created and trained on Kamino. One of the best clones put through Alpha-17's specialized training regimen, Bex was willing to fight for the Republic, but he held a dishonest relation with the Jedi from the Jedi Order, thinking that they shouldn't be the ones to lead them to battle.

As the Clone Wars reached its finale, Bex served alongside Faie, Neyo, Bly, and other clone troopers in the battle on Saleucami. They were to take out Separatist cloning facilities being used to churn out deadly Morgukai warriors. The task force was placed under the command of Jedi Generals Oppo Rancisis and Quinlan Vos. As the battle against Saleucami's Morgukai defenders raged, Republic capital ships pounded the clone facilities into dust. Their victory on Saleucami was undercut, however, with the death of General Rancisis at the hands of the Dark Jedi Sora Bulq. After the battle, Bex became a great friend to Faie.

Following his success on Saleucami, Bex went with Faie to Kashyyyk where they were once again paired with Jedi General Quinlan Vos as part of an elite task force helmed by Grand Master Yoda and Commander Gree of the 41st Elite Corps.

When the Separatists moved against the city of Kachirho, Bex fought in the battle along with many clones, preventing the Battle droids from reaching the city. As the fighting for the city intensified, Bex and the clones were given orders by Faie and Gree after they received Order 66 directly from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself. It was there that all clones, including Bex, were forced to turn against their Jedi Generals. While Bex was searching around the city, he was shocked when he heard the news of Faie's death at the hands of the Quinlan Vos. Bex held a grudge against Vos and the Jedi and swore to hunt them down for killing Faie and betraying the Republic.

A year later, Bex was promoted to Captain for his act and loyalty to the Empire. Under the command of General Sam Tremel of the Imperial Navy, Bex was ordered to escort Tarfful and a group of Wookiees to a concentration camp, which was five miles away from Kachirho. Crossing through the forest, Bex and his squad were ambushed by Quinlan Vos and his companion Vilmarh Grahrk who were here to rescue Wookiees from their enslavement and bring liberty to Kashyyyk. After shooting Tarfful for killing three of his men, Bex quickly aimed his gun at Vos, but Grahrk shot him from behind, preventing the clone from killing the Jedi.

Personality and traits[]

Bex was considered to be an ideal clone that was envisioned by the cloners on Kamino and embodied by the vast majority of the Clone Army. Unlike some of his brethren, Bex held a disrespect on Jedi, believing that they shouldn't lead the clones to battle. He followed orders without question, regardless of what they were. After Order 66 was issued, Bex showed a small kinship with {{SW|Commander Faie after he was killed by Quinlan Vos. Bex held a grudge against the Jedi and swore to avenge Faie and other clones that perished during the time of the Clone Wars.

Behind the scenes[]

Bex was named after Bex Kolos from Star Wars: The Old Republic.

