Star Wars Fanon


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Rebellion era

The Betrayal of Judas Corporation happened in 0 ABY. Lowiss Palladium of Judas Corporation gave the location of the Rebel Group MT50 base in the Zorbia system to Ruth Sundoraid of the Imperial Security Bureau. An Imperial assault was immediately launched to eradicate the Rebel presence in the system.


After the Empire rescued the Cytebb from Lowiss Palladium she switched her allegiance and gave up the location of the Rebel base in the Zorbia system. Ruth Sundoraid immediately contacted Captain Oenth Sarovem of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Fulmination and ordered him to assist in the attack. He arrived escorted by two Victory II-class frigates, Maketh commanded by Major Tong Blammer and the Abider of Commander Zal Valla, but a spy aboard the Fulmination, Dangra Steeble, had alerted Commander Kettilyn Thycer. She and her forces comprising of ten X-wings, a Y-wing, the recently captured transport Zathuun, and the Standard Luck were already assisting the evacuation when the Imperials arrived.

The battle[]

The Imperial forces quickly overwhelmed the Rebels but lost several stormtroopers and fighters and both the Abider and the Maketh. They also lost five Sentinel-class shuttles, two of which were destroyed before they could drop their stormtroopers in the base. The Zathuun, three of the five GR-75 medium transports, and more than half the Rebel fighters were able to escape but over three quarters of Rebel Group MT50 was wiped out. An enraged Captain Sarovem, had his star destroyer open fire on the Rebel space station after many Rebels escaped, destroying it. There were also several Judas Corporation who fought for the Empire and thirty-seven were killed.
