Berloc Cerrano was a Senator during the time of the Galactic Republic and the following Galactic Empire. During both periods, he was actually a spy for and high-ranking member of the Brotherhood. Berloc was the father of Hans Novastar, born Hans Cerrano. When Hans was 19, Berloc killed his wife for the Brotherhood and worked with Taran Ragnan to frame Hans for the murder which would become known as the Cerrano case. Though Hans escaped, the act enraged him and he vowed to take revenge on the Brotherhood and, one day, his father.
Berloc was known to be somewhat corrupt, as seen when Kerrig Holway came to him for assistance with breaking Barak Dakens out of the Imperial Intelligence facility. However, he managed to keep his connections to the Brotherhood a total secret, despite a thorough investigation into the Cerrano case which revealed the Brotherhood to the Republic for the first time and ultimately led to Taran Ragnan being recognized as a Brotherhood spy and used to insert double agent Cyana Bastra into the Brotherhood's ranks.