Benn Kili was a male Human Padawan who was apprenticed to Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell before the Mandalorian Wars.
Joining the Revanchists[]
During the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Benn was one of the many Jedi to follow Revan and Malak to war and would later be seduced by Revan's Sith teachings. Though the young padawan fell to the dark side and became loyal servant to the reorganized Order of the Sith to spread chaos throughout the galaxy and reveal themselves to the Jedi once more.
However, at around 3,958 BBY, Benn somehow disappeared during a mission on Alderaan. It is revealed that Benn was seen in Aldera, one of Alderaan's capital cities when he developed a relationship Selena Organa. Benn fell in love with her, and he promsied that he would always be with her. The dark side within him would slowly fade, and return himself back to the light side. Benn fell happy, but this was when Richard Organa, Selena's uncle, discovered that Benn was a sith, and secretly warned his niece to break this relationship or die. Selena refused to listen since she revealed that he wasn't a sith, but in fact a true Jedi. Richard was enraged and shot her, causing Benn to attack him, and avenge his lover's death. Before he could deliver the final blow, Benn couldn't do it, and decided to let him live, and have him arrested for what he did. Richard immediately aimed the his gun and stunned him before he could leave. Richard decided to place him in carbonite and he would remain there forever before someone could find him.
At around 20 BBY, when Alderaan was inaded by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, Senator Bail Organa eventually discovered Benn Kili who was still in carbonite for nearly 3,938 thousand years. Bail was surprised to discover that he was a Jedi and after the battle ended, Bail sent the carbon over to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant where the Jedi Council decided to free him from his long prison.
At last, Benn was finally awakened from his sleep, but he so angry and confused of where he was. Jedi Master Yoda was able to calm him down with the Force, and explained that he is four thousand years into the future. He was surprised that the Sith Empire was already defeated, and the sith were gone at last. Benn was pleased to return to the Jedi, and Yoda decided to train him.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (First mentioned)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Terror on Alderaan" (First appearance) (Seen in carbonite)