The galaxy is not just black and white. One must also take into account the many grey areas as well.
—Bendak Hael
Bendak Hael was a Jedi Knight during the Great War. He began life as the eldest son of a family of farmers on the world of Nubia, until he was discovered to be strong in the force and was given to Jedi for training. He was trained by Master Larn Chodos and became well respected amongst his fellow Jedi. On a rescue mission to Onderon, he met Princess Yuna Talera and the two fell in love and eventually married in the early stages of the war. Around this time, Bendak became friends with Senator Darius Wyrn and shared their opinions on the flaws of democracy in the Republic. During the war, Yuna gave birth their son, Alek Hael. Though Bendak was often unable to see his wife and child, he thought of them often on the battlefront. During a skirmish with the Sith forces in the Outer Rim, Bendak met face to face with the apprentice of the Sith Emperor, Darth Seerow. The two dueled with no clear victor and the skirmish ended with the lose of a Republic war ship and the deaths of two Jedi under Bendak's command.
Early life[]
Bendak Hael was born on the world of Nubia to a family of farmers who lived a simple life on the planet's vast rolling plains. Deciding he would be living a better life as a Jedi, he was willingly given to the Jedi by his parents at a young age and trained by Ithorian Jedi Master, Larn Chodos. Chodos was an orthodax Jedi that would often try to instill patience into his headstrong pupil. Chodos' slow but methodical teaching methods often irked his student, but in time Bendak understood his mentor's calm, yet almost dull lessons. During the years he spent under Chodos, he learned how to solve dangerous issues with diplomency, but also learned swordsmanship and many other useful skills. He easily made friends and became especially close to fellow Padawans: Fern Anador, Mako Vaan, and Jarik Meotti.
Jedi Knight[]
After a particularly dangerous mission, Bendak returned to Coruscant and passed his Jedi trials, while his master accepted a seat on the Jedi Concil. After passing his trials, Bendak studied countless holocrons and observed the greatest swordsmen the Order had ever produced. During this time, he studied a combination of Makashi and Djem So and built a green lightsaber to compliment his blue one. He perfected the art of Jar'Kai, as well as single saber combat, making him one of the most talented duelists of his time. Although seen by his peers and an example of all a Knight should be, the masters of his time felt that he was more reckless than he should be and was quick to ignite his lightsaber. Nevertheless, he was viewed as an exceptional Knight with a promising career as a Jedi ahead of him.
Fateful mission[]
You are unlike anyone I've ever met before.
—Princess Yuna
Bendak was sent to Onderon to settle a dispute between the citizens of Iziz and the Beast Riders. King Vertrue had requested aid from the Jedi Order to rescue his kidnapped daughter, Princess Yuna from the Beast Riders. Bendak was dispatched to settle the matter. He met with Vertrue and after learning more about the stiuation he set off to find the missing princess. King Vertrue gave the Jedi a speeder bike and Bendak left the city walls to begin his search. He searched for days until he came across a Beast Rider encampment. Hiding his prescense with the Force, he infiltrated the camp and found the captive Yuna. Not knowing he was sent to rescue her, she let out a scream which alerted the guards outside. Drawing his lightsabers, Bendak deflected blaster shots and subdued the guards. He and Yuna made it to the speederbike but were being pursued by the Riders and their Drexyls. They reached a vast forest and managed to lose their enemies, but the speederbike was destroyed in the process.
Deciding travel by night was too dangerous, Bendak and Yuna made a camp and made the effort to get to know one another. They found they had much in common and formed a powerful bond. Once the sun rose, they began their hike back to Iziz, hands clasped together. Upon reaching Iziz, Bendak had found his old friend Mako Vaan had been sent to aid him, as he had not sent a mission update to the Council. Vaan sensed a connection between the princess and his old friend but said nothing at the time. With the princess returned, Bendak updated the Council and was summoned back to the Jedi Temple. Promising Yuna he would return soon, he left with Mako to Coruscant.
A new mentor[]
There is nothing wrong with passion. Some would argue that passion can give one the strength necessary to persevere.
—Darius Wyrn to Bendak Hael
Upon his return to Coruscant, he learned that the Sith had re-emerged and had begun a campaign in the Outer Rim. He was among the few Jedi present in the Senate rotunda while the representatives of the Republic debated their course of action. They would go to war and repel the Sith menace once again. After the session ended Bendak was approached by the Umbaran senator, Darius Wyrn. Wyrn had been one of the senators who argued to go to war against the Sith. They spoke for hours and shared many opinions on how the Galaxy should be run and what the war could mean for the Republic. As time went on, Bendak revealed to Wyrn his romantic relationship with the princess of Onderon. Wyrn seemed to encouraged the young Jedi and told Bendak that not all Force-based organizations are as oppressive as the Jedi. He explained that the Sith do not condemn passion but encourage it, sighting his knowledge of this came from studying all organized groups based around the Force. Bendak grew to view the senator has a loyal friend whom he could trust.
A step towards the shadows[]
While the Jedi Order began to mobilize against the Sith threat, Bendak made more frequent visits to his beloved Yuna. Keeping their affair secret, even from King Verture, the couple spent much of their time outside the walls of Iziz. Knowing her lover would soon be commissioned to aid the war effort, Yuna revealed to Bendak she was pregnant. Though overjoyed at the thought of becoming a father, he also grew anxious. He would be expelled from the Order and Yuna would be shunned by the aristocrats of Onderon for becoming romantically involved with someone who was not born of nobility. The two decided to marry that night and discuss their future together. Before they could reach Iziz, they were ambushed by Beast Riders and Yuna was wounded. Giving in to his darker impulses, Bendak slaughtered the entire group, including their animal mounts. He brought Yuna back to the city and while she was being treated by her closest handmaiden, the Jedi and the princess were wed. As a wedding gift, Yuna gave Bendak T3-DK an astromech droid he affectionatly called Deek.
Battle of Dathomir[]
We cannot let these Sith escape to continue threatening the Galaxy. All batteries commence fire on the planet's surface.
—Bendak Hael
Answering the call to arms, Bendak accepted the rank of general and took command of a Republic fleet. His first major battle against the Sith forces was on Dathomir. Engaging the Sith fleet above the planet. Bendak flew his personal fighter and participated in the many dogfights. The Sith retreated to the surface and Bendak ordered a pursuit. The Republic forces were not only dealing with the Sith, but also the planet's intelligent Rancors. The soldiers who weren't targets for Sith snipers became food for the monsters. Bendak and his men were forced to retreat back up to orbit where Republic forces were in control. Gazing from the command deck of his flagship, Bendak ordered a bombardment on the planet's surface; not willing to let the enemy escape and live to threaten the Republic again. Despite protests from his advisors, several capital ships pounded sections of Dathomir with laser fire. Despite the lose of a squadron of starfighters, a legion of infantry, and the bombardment of Dathomir, the battle was declared a victory by the Republic. Bendak, however; saw it as a personal failure and began to doubt his abilities as a general.
Becoming a father[]
Several weeks after the Battle of Dathomir, Bendak received an urgent, private message from Yuna. She was about to give birth to their child. Her father was now aware of their relationship and their coming child and, knowing Bendak's commitment to the Jedi he gave his word to aid the couple in whatever way he could.
Battle of Tatooine[]
Several months later the Republic attempted to cut off hyperspace routes used by the Sith in the Outer Rim. The battle took place above the desert planet, Tatooine. The Sith forces were led by none other than the apprentice of the Sith Emperor himself, Darth Seerow. While issuing orders from his flagship the Nebula, the ship was boared by Darth Seerow and several of his Force wielding coherts. Two Jedi under Bendak's command aided him in his first duel with the Sith. Bendak ignited his weapon against Seerow and the two became locked in a deadly battle. Seerow had mastered the double-bladed lightsaber and pit it against Bendak's use of Jar'Kai. Neither of the two could best one another, however. Being so focused on destroying his enemy, Bendak had not realized that the two Jedi accompining him had been defeated. Seerow, sensing that he would not best the Jedi this day retreated to his ship and left his subordinates to finish his work.
Bendak attempted to chase after the Falleen Sith, but was forced to duel both remaining Dark Jedi at the same time. Giving into his anger at letting Seerow escape, Bendak dueled against his foes with hateful vigor. He used an aggressive version of Makashi and outmaneuvered both dark Jedi, swiftly defeating them. Regaining his composure, Bendak was informed that the Sith had retreated after destroying one of the fleet's warships. Humiliated, Bendak bitterly sent a holotransmission to the Jedi Council, informing them of his run-in with the emperor's apprentice.