For a Full Biography see [[1]][]
Ben Skywalker was a Human male Jedi Knight from Coruscant, active mostly during the Second Galactic Civil
In 35 ABY, Skywalker, now eight years old, became involved in another galactic crisis. The Killik species had recently been discovered in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, when a group of Jedi Knights heard their telepathic call and followed it to the Unknown Regions. Skywalker became partially joined to the Gorog Killik nest and formed an owner-pet relationship with one of the Gorog Killiks, who was actually trying to turn him against his mother. However, Ben's parents discovered the Killik's plan and captured it. During this time, Skywalker was taken under the wing of his cousin Jacen Solo, who became his informal Jedi Master. Solo, who had just returned to the New Jedi Order after a five-year journey to learn more about the Force, was able to help Skywalker open himself up to the Force gradually, as Skywalker was still apprehensive about the Force and needed years to become fully adjusted to the Force. With Solo's guidance, Skywalker was able to grow confident in his usage of the Force and become a powerful Jedi.War and the period afterward. He was the son of former Emperor's Hand and Jedi MasterMara Jade Skywalker and legendary Rebel hero and Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, the grandson of the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala, cousin to Darth Caedus, Jaina and Anakin Solo, and an ancestor of Cade, Kol and Nat Skywalker. Ben was born amidst the turmoil of the devastating Yuuzhan Vong War, where an extra-galactic species known as the Yuuzhan Vong invadedthe galaxy, laying waste to dozens of worlds. As both of his parents were Jedi, they were unable to spend time with him as they fought in the war, so Skywalker was taken care of by his aunt and uncle, former Rebel heroes Han and Leia Solo. He was subsequently moved to the Shelter in the Maw, where many other young Jedi apprentices stayed. The Yuuzhan Vong were eventually repelled and a ceasefire was negotiated, but young Skywalker felt the pain of war through the Force, overwhelming him and causing him to close himself off from the Force for several years.
Five years later, the planet of Corellia and the other planets in the Corellian system seceded from the Galactic Alliance, sparking great civil unrest, terrorist attacks, and eventually, the Second Galactic Civil War. During this time, Skywalker joined the Galactic Alliance Guard, a secret police force designed to combat Corellian terrorism, which was led by Jacen Solo. The GAG controversially began interning Corellians on Coruscant, an action which greatly worried his parents. Skywalker was increasingly used on violent missions, including the assassination of Corellian politician Dur Gejjen. Meanwhile, Jacen Solo had fallen to the dark side of the Force under the tutelage of Sith Lady Lumiya, taking theSith name Darth Caedus. Caedus eventually took over the Galactic Alliance before killing Mara Jade Skywalker. Skywalker correctly believed that Caedus was the killer and attempted to kill Caedus several times, including in a heated battle over Kashyyyk. He decided to legitimately investigate with his friend in the GAG, Lon Shevu, and was able to prove that Caedus had murdered his mother. Eventually Caedus himself was eliminated in a lightsaber duel, and the Second Galactic Civil War ended.
In 43 ABY, Luke Skywalker was exiled from Coruscant by new Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala for failing to prevent Jacen Solo's fall to the dark side, until he could prove the causes of Jacen Solo's fall to the dark side. By that time, anti-Jedi sentiment had risen greatly, especially due to an unexplained madness among young Jedi. Skywalker accompanied his father into exile, where the two visited several Force-based organizations with whom Solo had studied during his five-year sojourn—first the Baran Do, where they discovered a secret sect of monks known as the Hidden Ones, then the secretive Aing-Tii, and then the Mind Walkers in a mysterious space station known as Sinkhole Station. While at the station, the two were attacked by a group of Sith, but the two were able to escape. However, Ben and his father continued to cross paths with the Sith, and after a heated encounter onDathomir, Ben and his father formed an unprecedented alliance with the Sith in order to defeat Abeloth, the supernatural being who was spreading insanity among the Jedi, and allegedly among young Sith apprentices as well. During this alliance, Ben formed a close relationship with the young Sith apprentice Vestara Khai. Eventually, the Sith betrayed their Jedi allies, though Ben and Luke were able to escape and defeat Abeloth, ending the psychosis. Subsequently, Ben and Luke stayed behind with a few Sith to learn more about Abeloth's origins. After further exploration of Abeloth's planet, Ben, Luke, and Vestara faced off against Abeloth and the Sith once again on Pydyr, severing the alliance as the Skywalkers and Vestara continued their hunt for Abeloth. To Luke's dismay, Ben and Vestara's bond continued to grow despite Vestara's multiple betrayals, eventually evolving into a romantic relationship after Vestara was forced to kill her father and turned to the light side, although she betrayed him soon after.
45 ABY[]
Ben was sent to find the Dagger of Mortis to protect against Abeloth's future return. Before going to Mortis he found Ahsoka Tano on Onderon, and with her help found Mortis. There, he dueled with Vestara Khai while his father fought with the spirit of Darth Sidious. When Luke was possessed, he attacked Ben and Vestara. The Falcon rescued them, and they went into hiding together.