Star Wars Fanon

Bel Mundo was a male human military officer from Alderaan who served the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire.


Early history[]

Bel was born on Alderaan in 52 BBY to a wealthy merchant family and was a second cousin of the esteemed politician Bail Organa. In his youth, Bel traveled across the Core Worlds with his family in their freighter. After an encounter in which his family's freighter was saved from a pirate attack by the Judicial Forces, he aspired to become a military officer and eventually enrolled at the Judicial Academy on Coruscant.

Judicial Forces[]

After his graduation from the Judicial Academy, Bel became an ensign in the Judicial Forces and served aboard a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser for several years; he gradually climbed the ranks until he gained the rank of senior lieutenant, by which time he had participated in many successful raids against pirates and terrorists.

Clone Wars[]

When the Clone Wars broke out across the galaxy, Bel transferred to the newly-formed Grand Army of the Republic and attained the rank of major. He commanded a battalion of clone troopers in numerous battles including the Battle of Falleen, the Battle of Murkhana, the Second Battle of Felucia, and the Conquest of Kaller.

Imperial service[]

In 18 BBY, Bel became a general in the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps and was placed in command of the 103rd Legion. Under Bel, the 103rd Legion was stationed on Mandalore, where it saw fierce resistance from the local Mandalorians who opposed the Imperial occupation.

After almost two decades of overwhelming defeats and stalemates that ruined his name in the Imperial officer community, Bel was captured when Mandalorian insurgents besieged his command post in 2 BBY. He was taken to a hidden encampment on Concordia, where he was executed by the insurgents; his death was broadcasted to every Imperial outpost across the Mandalore system.
