Star Wars Fanon


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Beel Symsoos was a male Pa'lowick spacer from Ma'ar Shaddam. Working a career that he hated while suffering from various mental health issues, he eventually snapped and tried to shoot a stormtrooper.


Born on a remote world in the Rseik sector in 41 BBY he began obtained work as a crewmember on a bulk freighter, the Fifty-eight Days of Spring at the age of thirteen. In 21 BBY they attempted to deliver cargo to Aargonar but were attacked by CIS. Symsoos and a Soukle named Veatty Wounch fled into an escape pod and they were rescued by Galactic Republic forces. Symsoos found himself underemployed on Coruscant, working as a scrap collector for the Republic Civilian War Effort Alliance until the end of the Clone Wars.

In 16 BBY he met up with Wounch again and the two pooled their resources to purchase a freighter called the Far Nayu. They ran cargo around the galaxy and acquired a significant debt to a bank on Cogault. In 2 BBY Symsoos began experiencing severe mental problems and he got into an argument with Wounch, who abandoned him on the nearest planet, Contispexus. He got drunk and, in a fit of rage, fired his blaster at a stormtrooper named Tirant Crurannc. Another stormtrooper, Grix Ollet, reacted by shooting and killing the intoxicated spacer.
