Do not resist me, for together we can be invincible.
—Baylan Skoll
Baylan Skoll was a a Force-attuned Human male who acted as both an Executor in the Imperial Military and a Dark Jedi Master, a self-centered agent of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, as well as Thrawn's chief ally. Most notably, he directed the Conquest of Wayland and later played the second lead role in the Talon Campaign. Throughout this time, Skoll worked closely with Thrawn and Blitzer Harrsk, all while the likes of Silri, Shin, Gillad Pellaeon, Soontir Fel and Voss Parck were at his disposal.
Known only by a very few in the galaxy, Master Skoll was one of the many examples of power-driven Dark Jedi Knights, filled only by boundless hubris and cruelty. To those belonging to the New Order, he was considered both a useful asset, a hidden hand-like hovering figure and an impatient overseer. His commitment to fulfilling his ambitions justified in his mind his lack of consideration for life and intolerance for failure or assumed treachery. Partially immersed in the Sith ways by Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, Baylan Skoll was one of the most powerful Dark Jedi Knights to have ever lived. Though sworn to fealty, he resented this subservience and sought to ultimately take the reins from his Masters, being truly loyal only to himself and his yearning for more power. By the time of his alliance with Thrawn, Skoll coveted the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.
Originally, however, he had been Jorus C'baoth, a proud controversial Jedi Master. He assisted in overseeing the Galactic Republic' war effort during the Clone Wars as a Jedi General up until the Order 66. A fugitive, he changed his name and found refuge with surviving Nightsisters, succumbing to the poisons of his own vanity before being discovered and recruited by the Sith.