Star Wars Fanon

This is Commander Henry Vorivich, former volunteer in the Army of the Confederate States of Earth, and patriot of the old New Earth Republic. I have taken Senators from the Senate of the Union of Earth States as hostage, and my forces have raised the flag of our new revolutionary republic above what is now the Senate of the Second New Earth Republic. I demand that the Union of Earth States shall be reorganised and recognised as the Second New Earth Republic, the successor state to the New Earth Republic. Do not try anything foolish, I have no qualms about killing these corrupt senators!
—Commander Henry Vorivich in a public address to the Union and the Confederacy

The Battle of the Senate building (also known as the Birth of the Second New Earth Republic by supporters of the SNER) was the final battle of the Earth Civil War, and was fought between the combined forces of the Confederate States of Earth and the Union of Earth States within the Union Senate building and the former Confederate forces which attempted to force the reformation of the Union of Earth States into the Second New Earth Republic (SNER), the self-proclaimed successor state to the New Earth Republic, a terrorist republic who had attempted to conquer the Union during the New Earth Republic crisis of 40 BBY - 38 BBY. The commander of the SNER was Commander Henry Vorivich, who had served the NER before going underground when the NER was on the verge of being defeated.

Henry Vorivich continued to believe in the NER's goals, and began to scheme with other former NER members for a time when a restored NER would be able to conquer the Union, they set their scheme into action when the Confederate States of Earth was founded in 21 BBY, splitting the Union in half, and eventually outnumbering what was left of the Union.

The plan was to support the Confederacy until the Union was forced to sue for peace, the former NER volunteers would then head to the Union Senate building under the guise of seeing the peace treaty successfully signed, when inside the building they would betray the Confederacy, take the Union Senate hostage, raise their flag above the building, and demand the Union be reformed into the Second New Earth Republic.

Henry Vorivich: “Pledge your allegiance to the Second New Earth Republic and you may yet be freed.
Union Senator: “I will, but only because you'll free me if I do.
Henry Vorivich: “Sure, whatever, you'll still become a citizen of the Second New Earth Republic. Now, raise your right hand and repeat after me: "I publicly declare my allegiance to the Second New Earth Republic and its banner. I swear to be totally loyal to the revolution".
Union Senator: “I publicly declare my allegiance to the Second New Earth Republic and its banner. I swear to be totally loyal to the revolution.
Henry Vorivich: “Excellent! Our first member of the Senate of the Second New Earth Republic! You see, I didn't promise you could go free, since you are now a senator of the Senate of the Second New Earth Republic it is my duty to protect you, and unfortunately, letting you go free would put you in danger. Now, please sit back down. When all of this is over, and the Union has been destroyed in favour of the rising Second New Earth Republic, I, President Vorivich, Head of State of the Second New Earth Republic, will discuss governance of our new nation with you. I wouldn't think about trying to go back to the Union again, to them you're now a traitor, you will place your hand on your heart when you gaze upon your new national flag, and sing with pride the anthem of the Second New Earth Republic, your anthem!
— Henry Vorivich and a Union Senator, in which the latter takes an oath of allegiance to the SNER due to be lied to by Vorivich that those who declare their allegiance to the SNER could go free


No! Please! I only pledged my allegiance to the Second New Earth Republic because I wanted to go free, I wanted this nightmare to end! I have a family! My heart wasn't truly in it, it seemed like the only way I could escape with my life!
—The Union senator pleading to not be executed for treason

Commander Vorivich and his fellow betrayers of the Confederacy were killed, Vorivich's final words would be that one day the sympathisers of the SNER would rise up and conquer both the Union and the Confederacy, and he and his band would be viewed as heroes of the common people.

Henry Vorivich: “Mark my words! One day the sympathisers of the Second New Earth Republic will rise up and both the Confederacy and the Union will be brought under the Third New Earth Republic! I and my men will be viewed as heroes of the common people! On that day all of you fools will be brought to your knees by your commoner masters!
Alexander Norman: “Incorrect, you, your men and the "Second New Earth Republic" will burn in Hell! There are no sympathisers of your 30-minute old "nation", and no one would have sympathy for traitorous terrorists like yourself! There will be no "Third New Earth Republic", the second rise of the New Earth Republic is two rises too many! We'll be taking your flag, as well, we will put it on display as part of a tale which shows what happens to terrorist scum who betray the Confederacy!
―An exchange between Henry Vorivich and Field Marshal Alexander Norman, commander of the Confederate States Army, just prior to the former's execution

The banner of the Second New Earth Republic, the "Blooded Dagger Flag", was captured by Confederate forces and displayed in the Museum of Confederate History as part of a display detailing the most unusual battle of the war, a battle in which former enemies, the Confederate States Army and the Union Army, joined forces to prevent the destruction of the Union by backstabbers of the Confederacy and the creation of a terrorist republic to replace it.
