Star Wars Fanon

Today, we will make the galaxy pay for their crimes against our savior!
—Tari Darkspanner

The Battle of Yavin IV was a battle that took place on the Outer Rim during the Revanite Conquest and marked the beginning of the conflict with the same name.

The Battle began after the Republic and Imperial Navy's met in the Yavin system, following the pursuit of the second Star Forge being constructed over the Yavin System

The fleets both sent Master Aurick Ordo and Darth Khaela to the surface, followed by SIS Agent Theron Shan and Lord Beniko as well as their respecive military forces to the surface and stop ex-Republic Commander Vendroos and his Infinite Army, while the fleets would engage the Revanite Navy and the second Star Forge

The Battle[]

The Republic and Imperial Forces landed on Yavin not far from the Temple of Sacrifice where the Revanite forces were base. Master Ordo would lead the primary assault on the Revanite Fortress while Darth Khaela would take her forces and support their flanks. Before the battle, Master Ordo talked with Theron Shan, explain his distruss about their Sith allies and orders for the latter to keep an eye on their fellow commanders.

Meanwhile in space, the revanites would engage in combat with the enemy fleet. At first, it seemed the battle was in the favor of the Republic and Sith Forces. Eventually, however, the tabels would be turned after the Star Forge was brought online and used to fire upon the navies. Around 6 Republic cruisers and 2 Imperial dreadnoughts were caught in the first blast with numerous starfighters caught in the blast. Darth Marr's destroyer was damaged in the second blast, sending the starship into Yavin's gravitational pull.

On the surface, the attack has commenced. Republic and Imperial forces flodded the forests as bombers and starfighters routed out the Revanite forces. The revanites would strike back with their Rakata warriors and Infinite Army prototypes, costing the lives of dozens in the process. Aurick would attempt to route out the enemy forces using his Defender Corvette, the Redeemer, but was caught in AA fire, forcing him to eject as his starship collided with the temple.

The battle would eventualy escalate as Marr's destroyer crashed upon the surface, killing him, his crew, and many Revanite/Coalition forces currently on the ground. Commander Vendroos would eventually take advantage of this and push the assault, forcing the coalition to pull back.

In the forests, Aurick would wake up to find himself face to face with Vendroos and his elite guards. Lana Beniko came across them and eventually, the Jedi and the Sith would stand against the commander himself. They took care of his guards but found themselves outgunned against the Commander's weaponry, injuring Lana in the process and Aurick loosing his lightsaber. Before Vendroos could land the killing blow against both force users, he was caught off guard by a sneak attack form Theron Shan, giving Aurick the opportunity to use Lana's lightsaber to severe the commander's head form his shoulders.

In space, the revanites pushed their assault upon the Republic and Imperial Navies, crippling Satele's flagship in the process. In this opertunity, Satele toke commander of her starship and used it to ram the Star Forge's main weapon, killing herself in the process, but giving the survivors a chance to flee and regroup.

In the mist of the conflict, Khaela piloted her Fury Interceptor down to the surface to retrieve the commanders, fleeing just before the Temple activates the Sacrifical Sphere, killing all life forms on the planet.

Eventually, the remaining Republic and Imperial fleets would scatter, with Khaela, Theron, Aurick, and Beniko fleeing to Khaela's stronghold in the outer rim via her personal flagship, hoping to strike back at the Revanites soon...
