The Battle of Yavin Prime during the Successors War was a relatively small, but significant skirmish between the forces of Darth Sucasa and the Sith Coalition; under the command of Darths Q'Antiqas and Nihl.
Build up[]
Following the successful, albeit costly, formation of the Sith Coalition at the Conclave on the Sluis Van Shipyards, the Coalition soon came to the realization that Darth Proditor's Sith Empire still maintained a sizable fleet; much larger than their own, as well as holding control over many of the galaxy's vital resources. Convinced that their united coalition would not last long against Proditor's fleet now they represented a single target, both Wyyrlok and Krayt decided that in order to achieve the victory they needed, they would need the support of the Empire's people. Together, the two chose the Yavin Prime Supply Distribution Center as their target. Too busy to lead the attack personally, Darth Krayt ordered his apprentice Darth Nihl, and ally Darth Q'Antiqas to merge their fleets and converge on the supply facility, which was being looked over by Darth Sucasa at the time.
Meeting in the nearby Jovan system, the two Sith Lords formulated their plan. After several hours discussion, much of it spent in threatening gestures, the two agreed on a plan; Q'Antiqas would fein an attack on the supply depot while Nihl came up behind Sucasa's fleet, and together the two would destroy the enemy fleet.
With the plan set in motion, the two jumped the hyperspace.
The battle[]
Darth Q'Antiqas arrived as expected, taking Sucasa's fleet by complete surprise, and begun their attack on the space station. Sucasa, not prepared to lose the station, rushed his fleet to attack the Coalition force; engaging them head-on. Q'Antiqas brought his entire fleet around, forgetting the station entirely, and attempted to encircle Sucasa's fleet, but quickly found the task difficult to accomplish. Sucasa's fleet doubled Q'Antiqas, and before long the losses begun to build. An enraged Q'Antiqas begun to suspect treachery on Nihl's behalf and prepared to order his fleet the retreat just as Nihl's reinforcements arrived.
Appearing behind Sucasa's fleet, Nihl took advantage of the momentary confusion of battle and ordered his fleet to fire and full volley at Sucasa; cutting his fleet to shreds. Shocked by the sudden arrival of the remaining Coalition forces, Sucasa discovered that it was now he who had been encircled; but was not prepared to handover victory yet. Sucasa ordered half his remaining vessels to finish of Q'Antiqas' remaining ships, while he personally took the battle to Nihl.
At this time, Sucasa's fleet still outnumbered the Coalition vessels, and after a half-hour of combat it seemed the tables had once again turned in Sucasa's favor. The Sith Lord flung his fleet into Nihls' own, cutting a great swathe through them and inflicting heavy losses. Before long it looked as if Sucasa's fleet might escape the trap when a stray volley hit the underside of his Decreto-class Super Star Destroyer, passing through the weakened shields and hitting the vulnerable plating below the engines; they exploded, taking the lower-rear section of the ship with them.
Nihl and Q'Anitqas both saw this, and ordered their entire fleets to focus their fire upon Sucasa's flagship. They did so, but found their volleys hitting the shields of those ships that had passed between them, so as to secure Sucasa's escape. Q'Antiqas order his Privateer-class corvettes to pass through the enemy blockade and attack the rapidly decaying flagship; which they did.
Taking full advantage of their size and maneuverability, the Privateer-class corvettes cut through the enemy fleet and begun firing upon the fleeing escape pods. This, combined with the overpowering assault by the Krayt-class capital ships overwhelmed the defending Sith vessels and forced a full rout, the exploding Decreto-class taking the vast majority of the fleeing Sith fighters with it.
The battle was a pivitol victory for the Coalition, whose control over the Distribution Center allowed them to take over the responsibility of feeding the galactic population in that area. Word of increased rations and relaxed regulations under Coalition control spread rapidly throughout the Empire, and before long public support for the "rebellion" had shot up. Both Q'Anitqas and Nihl were greatly rewarded by Krayt with both planet and power; Q'Anitqas being promoted to the rank of Sith Lord.
Although Sucasa survived the battle, his failure at Yavin had drastically affected Proditor's opinion of him and convinced Sucasa that the war was nearing its end, and not the end he wanted.