The Battle of Venl'a Valley was the fourth battle of The Lepi Revolution. It took place in 3,976 BBY during the same time as the 1st battle over Coachelle Prime and came out with a Hutt Cartel victory.
The conflict started when hutt mercenaries began to bombard a Lepi revolutionist convoy down into a canyon. The deadly bombs killed a third of the Lepi's forces almost immediately. With 1,000 left in the valley including Lepi Commander Fil'ka the other 1,000 remaining were contacted to surround the bombarding enemies. Once they pressed the attack on the mercenaries the bombardment stopped. The remaining vehicles and Lepi in the valley got out. They began to join in the fight against the opposing Hutt forces. 500 on each side were slain by the time they actually got to fighting. The battle only lasted 30 minutes with about 500 Lepi survivors.
Entire Lepi convoy destroyed excpept about 500 soldiers. Lepi Commander Fil'ka was killed in action including many Lepi revolutionists. The Hutt's were successful in disrupting the Lepi's convoy.