The Battle of Sol'Mund was a battle waged between the Galactic Empire shortly after the Battle of Yavin for several months, which would take place on Sol'Mund during the Galactic Civil War.
It was recognized as a most brutal and horror inflicting battle where for the first time in over a millennium Lightsaber against Lightsaber combat was practiced en mass, between the Vulkan Templar Order and the Inquisitorius.
It was a savage endeavor, feared even by the most fearless of mandalorians and was far, far worse at the front line, where some records describe that some soldiers on the field of battle were "Jumping into the lava so that they could end the unbearable fear they were enduring."
And it wasn't any better from orbit, as fighters surrounding the planet, rebel and imperial alike, would be released only to immediately be obliterated when exiting carriers and hyperspace.