Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

The Battle of Shattered Ridge was a battle fought between the Death's Tongue Militia and the Zayre.



After Eborax led to the Zayre being forced from their homeworld in the Unknown Regions, they were forced to flee into the mainstream galaxy. They were forced onto Ankarr where they encamped themselves on the planets Southern Side. After exploration of the planet, they found fearsome native beasts, and engaged in combat with these native beasts, wiping them from the areas where they found them. It wasn't until they dispatched numerous scout teams to colonize the planet that they first stumbled upon the Deaths Tongue Militia; they first discovered the Deaths Tongue Militia. Traversing through a canyon on foot, they discovered a scouting party from the opposing faction, and, in true Zayre style, attacked instantly. They found the Deaths Tongue Militia to be dangerous enemies but still overwhelmed them, forcing them into retreat before chasing after them and picking them off with bone spears. The few that survived fled back to their main camp, where they alerted the rest of the Deaths Tongue Militia. The poorly organized militia instantly gave chase and, planning a trap, the Zayre scouting party followed.

Main battle[]

That's it bug boy, spill your guts!
—A Zayre soldier decapitating a Deaths Tongue Militia trooper
What the hell are these things, are they space angels?
—A Death's Tongue Bounty hunter talking to his comrades

At the base of the gorge, the Zayre knew that the main body of the Zayre army would be following up, in an attempt to colonize the planet, and they led the Deaths Tongue Militia straight into the trap, Warlord Storm Ironwings initiative leading to Zayre already having been positioned on the top sides of the gorge and along precipices at the side. The Deaths Tongue Militia, although powerful, came under heavy fire, but fought back bravely, forcing the Zayre out onto the hilltop behind the gorge, and down onto the slopes of Shattered Ridge. The Rodians' weapons were causing heavy damage to the rock faces of Shattered Ridge, and both sides had it in their interests to flee. As the rock face began to collapse, the Militia's weapons having a devastating effect upon the rock, the Zayre once again pulled a tactical move and, with all haste, fled down to the forest in the valley. Without thinking, the Deaths Tongue Militia followed, and the Zayre ambushed them in the forest, spearing them and slashing them with their bone spears. The Militia knew that they faced an enemy far too powerful for them, and knew something had to be done.


As the Deaths Tongue Militia began to be massacred, the Militia ordered a full scale retreat and fled back up the slope of Shattered Ridge in an attempt to get back to one of their bases. Following, the Zayre used their flight to be able to reach the end of the gorge ahead of the Militia, cutting off and trapping them. A small portion of the Militia fled, whilst the rest made a brave last stand and were subsequently massacred. Hiding in a hill, the remaining Militia soldiers stayed hidden from the Zayre, who searched the surrounding hills and countryside. Eventually, however, a Bounty Hunter fled and sold the position of the Bounty Hunters to the Zayre, in an effort to gain money and freedom. Appalled at the mans mercenary nature, Storm Ironwings went against her policies of honor and slew him, before sending her troops to the cave. After storming the cave, the Militia realized that they had only one option left and, detonating a bomb, they caused a large avalanche. Many of both factions were killed, and the Zayre, who had been massacring the Militia, opted out of chasing the few survivors, in an attempt to lick their wounds in peace.


After the battle, the Deaths Tongue Militia fled the planet, severely weakened, with a strong hate of the Zayre. In return, the Zayre held a grudge against the Militia, for not fighting honorably in the battles. The Zayre, realizing that they, in their weakened state, were sitting ducks for enemies, contacted another of their battle forces and fled to Hypori, where they engaged in the Battle of Hypori.
