Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

The Battle of Selonia was a battle fought upon the aquatic planet of Selonia, in the Cruentusian War, between the Necasian Military and the Death's Tongue Militia.


My brothers! The time has come to show the foul imperialists that they are not invincible! Like an inexorable tide we shall sweep over them, and drown them in their own greed and corruption!
Reloiux Dqwer to the DTM soldiers in a prep talk

After the Battle of Raxus Prime, Askar Invado sought, once again, to add to his reputation and, with the decision of the Necasian Military Council imminent, Askar needed another victory. After the Death's Tongue Militias interference in the battle of Raxus Prime, Askar sought to put down the rising threat from them, and strengthen his own position, whilst also gaining revenge. Using the turmoil created by the war, he made his way through the galaxy to Selonia, a key base for the DTM.

The DTM realized that Askar Invado, his fearsome reputation preceding him, would soon arrive and take revenge upon them, so they made efforts to fortify the planet against a Necasian invasion, yet they hadn't prepared for the imminent arrival of Emela Makakson. Working her way through the sexist Necasian ranks, her reputation was very little at that time, as she hadn't had any grounds on which to prove herself, yet this was to be her stage. Reloiux Dqwer, the DTM's recruit hirer, was getting the DTM soldiers ready for the battle. Sabsa Junn started to get his soldiers into position.

The battle[]

Initial moves[]


Crabfish submersibles get into position

By the gods...Brace for impact!
Quia Xoan just before the DTM's underwater base gets hit by missiles

The DTM started to get their Crabfish-class attack submersibles into position. They scattered then all over a 2 mile radius. They set up anti-aircraft cannons on the small islands around their underwater base. Sabsa started to give his soldiers their weapons. He equipped himself with an assault rifle and a sword. Quia started to get her weapons and Krennel was programming the computer system with hostile commands. Some soldiers started to get into Amphibiously-modified Lynx attack quads, Hopper attack crafts and Stinger-class assault buggies. They were modified by Krennel, a DTM scientist and leader of their inventing team. When the Necasians saw such movements, they mobilized their forces and moved their aquatic SpecOps warriors into position, with the Necasian Sharpshooter Cohort taking up positions above the water to snipe enemies below. When Askar Invado mobilized his forces by the sea wall, used to stop tides breaching the main city, he placed Krako Warrior Traversers in position, to kill any DTM that escaped into the water.

When the DTM mobilized their forces beneath the water, ready to storm the sea wall and the forces trenched beneath, Askar used Janos Snake, a field commander for the Necasians experiencing his first battle in this new position, and he instantly moved his forces ready for a charge on the main front of the DTM, whilst a fore led by the Necasian Sharpshooter Cohort, led by Emela Makakson, moved into position out of sight to lead a, hopefully, surprise blindside on the DTM forces.

Main Battle[]

When the DTM started up their engines, the Necasians led by Janos Snake moved in, ferociously hacking into their front, whilst the DTM fought back in equal measure, the ability of the fledgling group taking many of the Necasians by surprise. When Janos' men began to tire somewhat, and the battle began to grind to a standstill, Askar ordered for Makakson to move in with the Necasian Sharpshooter Cohort, and Makakson complied. Delivering a devastating blindside to the DTM forces, the DTM were swept from their positions and down the sea by a few miles, before they regrouped and formed into defensive formations, fighting back for all they were worth. Askar then ordered for the Necasians to move into a pincer formation, and trap the DTM in a pincer like movement, taking them down.

Whilst the DTM struggled to break this, Askar moved the forces in tighter, before starting the engines of the Krako's for when the DTM broke through. However, the native Selonians took anger at the battle, and they moved in to join the battle.


Look at those vermin men! Blast em'.
—Sabsa Junn referring to the native Selonians over his comlink

The native Selonians were annoyed by both factions and attacked in large numbers. They were armed with spears and sharp rocks. Seeing as the Selonians were good swimmers, they attacked the ships from the underneath. They rapidly sabotaged both factions’ ships by gnawing away the wires that supplied power to the engine. Once a ship stopped moving, the Selonians boarded the ships and killed whoever was inside. Janos was in shock of the Selonians and there sabotaging skills. He came up with an idea of detonating a large bomb so the noise would drive them away. He took out the largest bomb he could find in his ship. Then he attached a detonator to it and through it underwater. When the bomb got half way to the bottom, he detonated it, making a large noise and also destroying some DTM ships. The noise drove the Selonians mad, and they fled the battle to the furthest mass of land they could swim to.

Meanwhile, Makakson, frustrated by the situation, ordered orbiting Necasian ships to bombard the planet with napalm to flush out the natives and DTM. Janos protested, but Askar approved of the move, and thousands of napalm rockets were rained on the planet, decimating the natives, but the DTM managed to take appropriate shelter.

Closing moves[]

If we are certain of defeat, why not leave this place with a...bang
Quia Xoan to the DTM

As soon as the Selonians left the battle, the Necasians ships surrounded the DTM. The DTM loaded bomb after bomb into the DTM command centre. Once it was filled, the remaining DTM forces quietly moved into the largest and fastest transport. Once all in, the DTM fires on the Necasians ships. The Necasians retaliated and fired on the DTM ships. The DTM then drove the transport through a gap in the Necasian ships. The Necasians did not care if one ship escaped so the kept firing on the DTM base. As they shot the command center, it blew up with a large explosion. The explosion took out little Necasian forces.


The DTM drove the speeder to a pick up a zone where a DTM orbital ship was waiting. The DTM escaped the planet. They flew to the moon of Gus Talon for a brief time.
