Star Wars Fanon

The Battle of Sector 9 was a battle fought between the Galactic Empire's Invincius Fleet and the Rebel Alliance's Father Fleet.

"The Rebels have proven a threat, I will admit that." Ardin Nual regarding the Battle of Sector 9

fpp ''Ping-Pong'' Ping-Pong

Before the battle[]

The Rebels had been operating on Bos Nasana trying to uncover secret Imperial intel that would help them fight the Empire. Even the Rebels did not know what the info was and never found out. Captain Shu Camiil was present and quickly dispatched stormtroopers to fend off the Rebels. The Rebels were taken by complete surprise and were utterly overwhelmed by Imperial units in minutes. But before they were defeated, Sargent Rinver Culm, the leader of the mission, called for backup. An entire GR-80 blockade runner was brought down and picked up the Rebels while also covering the retreat with its enhanced weapon systems. Camiil let the Rebels escape, calling off TIE fighter pursuit and holding Star Destroyer fire. She hoped the Rebels would fall into a false sense of security and be taken down by another Imperial force as they fled. This victory led to the vote were she could be promoted to a general, only to be declined by the Imperial Military Council 5 to 6.

The space battle[]

The first part of the battle was the part that took place in space. There were over 1,000 individual Starfighters. Many casualties we taken on both sides. Fleet Admiral Nual took note of the severe casualties and decided it best to dock one of his Star Destroyers, Vickert, onto one of the Rebels Nebulon-B frigates.

The TIE fighter whipped around the X-wing and flipped into position to blast it. It fired its double laser cannons and the crippled X-wing dropped into space. The TIE made an evasive maneuver as blaster fire scorched the top of its ion wing. Doing what looked like a flip, it came down into the path of an unlucky X-wing and the two vehicles collided, resulting in a fiery explosion. Another X-wing cut down two TIEs, one after the other, but was blown apart by another TIE defender. Three TIEs gained on a damaged X-wing, which left a trail of smoke wherever it went. It met it’s quite only fate, sealed in an instant by a cloud of fire and sparks. Burning debris was everywhere. However, it was only Nual who decided to dock his Liner-cruisers onto the Mon Calamari vessels. -Novel's description of the battle

See also[]

Battle of Sector 9 (Hunt for Vergere)


Galactic Empire: Undercover (novel)
