Hah! These infidel fools were stupid enough to honestly believe that we would help them! Let us show them the price of their foolishness!
—Req Makad
The Battle of Samaria was a battle of the Cruentusian War, and occurred when the Taung Confederacy, having suffered several defeats at the hands of the Srav Federation, decided to attack the Necasian Military. To do so, it enlisted the help of its apparent ally, the Death's Tongue Militia; however, the DTM had no intention of helping them, and tricked them into believing that there was a major Necasian base on the desert world of Samaria. Arriving on the planet, the Taungs met up with the DTM. They began to wonder where the Necasians where before the DTM backstabbed them, attacking their lines and scattering them. The Taungs took heavy losses until reinforcements arrived, causing the DTM to flee.
Upon arriving on the surface of Samaria, accompanied by an army of DTM militants, the Taung quickly deployed, and began searching for a "rumoured" Necasian military base. After several hours of searching; however, the Taung commander, Skardan Karanga, began to grow suspicious.
The battle[]
At that moment, DTM suicide bombers and forces among the Taung forward positions took action and attacked the Taungs, decimating said positions. Karanga ordered his men to fall back, and attack the DTM from the rear. Coming upon the DTM from the rear, the Taung ambush was a complete surprise, and wiped out the DTM militants, as well as exposing the DTM's plot to backstab the Taung Confederacy.
Knowing full well from a captured holodisk that the DTM were dispatching a huge fleet to land on Samaria under the pretense of assisting in the search, Commander Karanga began to position his men around the DTM landing zones that had been designated in the captured dossier.
The DTM landed several armies of militants, and upon landing were ambushed, with many of their soldiers dying. Eventually; however, the DTM pushed back, and managed to break out of the Taung enirclement. Taung forces, under the direction of Karanga and his lieutenants, moved into assault the rapidly advancing militants, supported by Canderous-class assault tanks. Req Makad dispatched two divisions of Seraphim battle tanks into a position to flank the Taung forces.
Skardan Karanga ordered a counterattack, assaulting the Death's Tongue Militia's lines, with wave upon wave of Taung Crusaders, and the elite Taung Hunters. The Death's Tongue responded with an KRUD missile strike, but even this did not weaken the Taung resolve to punish their betrayers. Militia suicide bombers, and terrorists armed with rocket launchers attempted to rally, and hold their ground, but beset by the Taung, and losing morale fast, they retreated.
Beset by heavy fire on all sides, pockets of militants attempted to stand their ground. Taung reinforcements were dropped in via dropship to aid in the fight, and combined with the Taung forces already on the ground managed to overcome these small pockets of resistance. At this point, the Seraphim battle tanks moved into position, flanking the Taung, and coming up on their rear.
Skardan Karanga barely managed to escape this ambush unscathed, while his forces around him were destroyed, but the Taung quickly recovered, and drove the Seraphim tanks into the wastelands where they were destroyed by a dust storm. Taking advantage of the Taung confusion, Req Makad sent in Rapier combat bikes, killing many of the retreating Taung. Unfortunately, this success was not to last, as Skardan Karanga dispatched several squadrons of starfighters to destroy them.
As the Death's Tongue Militia's Rapier combat bikes were downed by the Taung starfighters, the Taung Crusaders were steadily pushing back the militants. DTM positions were rapidly overcome, and destroyed as the Taung advanced. Many militants attempted to make a stand, but their efforts were futile, and they were destroyed. Desperate, Req Makad through his remaining Seraphim battle tanks into the battle, hoping that they would change the tide.
Unfortunately for Req Makad, his Seraphim battle tanks were destroyed by Taung artillery, and his militants were harried from their positions by Taung forces. With the militants in full retreat, it looked as if the Taung were going to have an easy victory. The remaining militants took up position in the city of Samarkand. Req Makad, declaring this as their final stand, secretly boarded his shuttle, and left his soldiers to their fate.
Leaderless, the remaining militants began to fortify Samarkand in the hopes of successfully defending it. As the Taungs' Canderous assault tanks arrived, Taung Crusaders disembarked from their bowels, and prepared to destroy the betrayers. As the Taung began their thrust, DTM mortars continually rained fire on them, but to no avail, the Taung were determined to punish their betrayers.
Taung artillery was launched in return, and Taung Hunters, equipped with the finest Taung technology, descended from dropships behind enemy lines, wreaking havoc on the leaderless militants. As the DTM militants desperately attempted to hold the east side of the city, wave upon wave of Taung Crusaders finally broke through the militant defenses on the west side, and began to enter the city.
The Taung on the east side; however, ran into difficulty, and were pinned down under heavy fire, but not for long. Skardan Karanga, leading the west forces, dispatched several squadrons of starfighters to free the eastern Taung Crusaders. Upon learning of this, the DTM militants dispatched their remaining starfighters as well, catching the Taung by surprise. The Taung fought back, detroying the small amounts of DTM starfighters.
Req Makad; however, was not one to be deterred from his objective, and launched several waves of KRUD missiles from orbit, disorienting the Taung, and forcing them to retreat, and giving him time to evacuate his remaining militants from the planet. With the DTM forces retreating, the Taung celebrated another win in a long war.
In the aftermath, the DTM began openly declaring hostilities against the Taung Confederacy, and began to organize and supply operations against it within its territories.