What a bloody fucking shit it was here ! I nearly lost my arms in this hell of a place ! Everyone died being shot or froze to death !
—Rebel Lieutenant Anton Trillio in the Kesh Rebel base cantina
The Battle of Rinn was the first large-scale battle fought by the rebel cell Anakkona based on the remote planet Kesh, in the last months of 11 BBY, the battle saw the final confrontation of rebel hero Aren Surik and infamous Inquisitor and ex-Jedi Varden Gimmar
The confrontation saw a small force of rebels going to the remote and icy Imperial planet of Rinn to attack a secret imperial research facility to retrieve plans developped for the Imperial Navy.
Unknown to the rebels, the imperials saw the threat coming and while the rebels managed at a very high cost to recover the plans and disable the anti-air security force of the base, a way stronger contingent of imperials arrived at the base led by the well-known 7th Brother and 5th Sister, with the help of the Purge Troopers led by Commander Riles Kirk. The then secret operation finally turned in a full scale battle against an overwhelming force of imperial troopers and the retreating rebels.
The battle was finally "won" by the rebels when exiled Jedi and rebel General Aren Surik killed in single duel the commanding 7th Brother and the retreat led by Wookie Lieutenant General Raabakyysh and Jedi Commander Jallel Kole was accomplished. Although the air force led by Captain Lyn Erso was almost completely wiped out their efforts permitted the escape of the rebels by attracting most of imperial fire power towards them and disabling the 2 AT-ATs.
The arrival of the only rebel cruiser at the time the MC80 Star Cruiser Liberation commanded by Admiral Coaln Jeetrok permitted a full-scale retreat and securing the plans for a further analyse on the Kesh base and a later transmission to rebel High-Commanders Mon Mothma and Bail Organa.
In late 17 BBY, the newly-formed Galactic Empire decided that the Republic Navy would not match the projects of the Emperor and so was decided the massive expension of the Military and especially the Navy, such initiative would later be called the "Tarkin Initiative".
To follow the Initiative, the Empire employed Kuat Drive Yards to build a new type of Destroyers to lead the Empire and conquer the Galaxy through fear and destruction. To accomplish this, the Empire gave to Kuat Research Department the access of a secret Imperial facility on the remote and icy planet of Rinn where the Empire had exiled the population and deported them as well as eliminated every civilian who would have known of the facility except a group of then young mercenaries who escaped the Empire's wrath.
Those Mercenaries would years later come back after talking to a certain rebel cell based in the Outer Rim which would happen to make people talk about it at this time... . In fact at this time the Anakkona Rebel Cell began to expend it's capabilities and attacks on Imperial outposts in the far Outer Rim and the Wild Space. When the mercenaries came, led by a certain former military commander of the Rinn defence forces, to the High Council of the rebel cell they decided to take them in and use their knowledge to plan their first full-scale assault on the facility, an assault that would be executed six months after they came in possession of the top secret information of the facility and the plans inside delivered by one of the natives whose family was enslaved to work in the facility. The six months were used to fully prepare the assault and the cell to attack and retrieve the plans as well as confirming their nature. The informations would in fact prove right and the assault was launch in late 11 BBY, with a powerful striking force of Special Forces, ground soldiers, the entire High Council, support ship and fighters.
The Battle[]
- How many people died out there ?! It's a disaster we nearly lost everything we had !
- No. We won, we won everything, we won hope, and it's only the beginning of something far greater than ourselves.
—Aren Surik and Lyn Erso
Behind the scenes[]
The Battle was created by role-players on the Discord server Rising Empire - A Star Wars RP during a time span of 4 months between September 2019 and January 2020.
The picture used for illustration was taken from the databank of the Fanon and is originally called Battle of Selsor.